
Omurice蛋包飯Napolitan拿坡里義大利麵Korokke可樂餅This pasta dish is made with ingredients like ketchup, onions, green bell peppers, mush-rooms, and sausage. It is a beloved item typi-cally found on kissaten (Japanese tearooms) menus. Despite being called “Napolitan,” this dish does not seem to exist in Italy.Boil, mash, and deep-fry some potatoes to get korokke. This staple of Japanese households is based on “croquette,” a deep-fried dish of bread-ed meat and vegetables. Besides potatoes, crab cream and curry-flavored korokke are also pop-ular ingredients. They can even be found at con-venience stores.This dish consists of ketchup-flavored fried rice wrapped in a thin blanket of fluffy fried egg. Its name is a portmanteau of the French word “omelette” and the English word “rice.” It is a very familiar dish for the Japanese, and dedicated restaurants exist all over the country.14What is yoshoku?Yoshoku refers to Western-influenced dishes unique to Japan. In modern, late 19th-century Japan, Japanese food culture underwent a transformative era brought on by active relations with Western countries, giving rise to various novel dishes. Classic Yoshoku DishesJAPANESE “YOSHOKU”以番茄醬調味,加入洋蔥、青椒、蘑菇、香腸等食材製作而成的義大利麵料理,是人人熟知的日式咖啡館的招牌菜色。雖然名為「拿坡里義大利麵」,但其實義大利似乎並沒有這道餐點。將水煮過的馬鈴薯搗碎後油炸的配菜,據傳源於將肉與蔬菜以麵包粉包裹後油炸的「炸肉丸」,是日本常見的家庭料理。除了馬鈴薯之外,蟹肉奶油、咖哩等材料也很受歡迎,在便利商店就能輕鬆買到。什麼是「洋食」?日本的西洋風餐點。19世紀後期,近代日本因為與西方各國交流逐漸頻繁,飲食文化也出現變化,孕育出許多特色獨具的餐點。Indulge in the Flavors of Unique Japanese“Yoshoku”!洋食的招牌菜色將炒過的飯以番茄醬等調味,再以又薄又軟嫩的煎蛋皮包覆而成的餐點。「蛋包飯(Omurice)」的名稱是將法文中的「歐姆蛋(omelette)」與英文中的「米飯(rice)」組合而來。這是多數日本人都很熟悉的餐點,甚至還有專賣店。品嘗別具特色的日本「洋食」!

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