
Tsuruchan日本語Hotel New GrandYokohama flourished for over 150 years as an international trad-ing port. Home to a large popula-tion of foreign residents, Western culture took root in this city quite early on. It is known as the place of origin for Napolitan and the beef hot pot dish gyunabe, the predecessor of sukiyaki.This famous yoshoku restaurant opened in 1895. It is said to be the birthplace of well-known dishes such as omurice, pork cutlet, deep-fried oysters, and more. Enjoy a variety of tastes inside this retro establishment.Please see here for more information!There are many famous restaurants in Tokyo and port cities—where Western culture first entered Japan—where yoshoku dishes are said to have origi-nated. Why not explore these history-rich locations and try out some unique Japanese dishes?This classic hotel opened in 1927. The New Grand is said to have invented the Napolitan (cooked in a sauce made with raw tomatoes), seafood doria (rice gratin), and purin à la mode, a dessert of pudding served with ice cream and fruits. Visitors can now enjoy these dishes inside the hotel at “The Cafe.”This long-established kissaten opened in 1925. They serve eleven versions of their generously portioned Turkish Rice. For des-sert, make sure to try the milkshake.Nagasaki has served as a gateway to the world since the 17th century. “Ryorin-tei”, dubbed the first restaurant in Japan to serve Western cuisine, first laid down its roots here. Turkish Rice (pork cutlet, spaghetti and pilaf heaped together on one plate) and milkshake made with milk and eggs have become popular local dishes.長崎從17世紀起,即是日本與外國接軌的玄關。據傳日本第一家西洋餐廳「良林亭」也是在此地開業。當地名產包括了將炸豬排、義大利麵、香料飯彙整於一盤的土耳其飯,以及使用牛奶、雞蛋製成點心的牛奶奶昔等。In Ginza, with its Western-style streets from the 1870s, you'll find historic yoshoku restaurants like “Rengatei” and “Shiseido Parlour.” Ginza (Tokyo)銀座(東京都)Yokohama (Kanagawa Pref.)橫濱(神奈川縣)한국어简体中文網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로!1895年創業的洋食名店,據說蛋包飯、炸豬排、炸牡蠣等許多現在已成為經典洋食菜色的餐點,都是在此誕生。可在氣氛復古懷舊的店內品嘗繽紛多樣的料理。率先引入西洋文化的港都和首都東京,有許多據傳為洋食發源地的店家和名店。不妨來此漫步街區感受歷史情懷,並品嘗日本特有的洋食餐點!1925年創業的老字號日式咖啡館,分量十足的土耳其飯,居然有多達11個種類,餐後不妨來杯牛奶奶昔。以國際商港之姿興起、繁榮了150多年,有眾多外籍人士定居的橫濱,很早即有西洋文化在此扎根。據說這裡也是拿坡里義大利麵和壽喜燒的原型「牛鍋」的發源地。1927年開張的老字號飯店。據說使用新鮮番茄製作醬料的拿坡里義大利麵、海鮮焗飯,以及將布丁、冰淇淋與水果同盛一盤的布丁百匯等菜色,就是誕生於此。現在也可在飯店內的「The Cafe」品嘗這道美味。銀座在1870年代打造出西歐風格的街景,並擁有「煉瓦亭」和「資生堂PARLOUR」等歷史悠久的洋食餐廳。Ginza Rengatei銀座 煉瓦亭繁體中文Best Cities and Restaurants to Enjoy the Yoshoku Culture能感受洋食文化的街區與餐廳Nagasaki (Nagasaki Pref.)長崎(長崎縣)EnglishNagasaki(Nagasaki Pref.)長崎(長崎縣)Ginza(Tokyo)銀座(東京都)Yokohama(Kanagawa Pref.)橫濱(神奈川縣)

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