
January 6– February 25, 20242024年1月6日~2月25日 Ashigakubo Sta. (Seibu) 10 min walk JR Obihiro Sta. 1 hr 40 min by bus JR Isahaya Sta. 90 min by bus一般社団法人 横瀬町観光協会画像提供:鹿追町観光協会 – March 10, 20242024年1月27日~3月10日Hokkaido北海道Shikaribetsuko Kotan is a “phantom vil-lage” that exists only during the time of mid-winter on Lake Shikaribetsu near the center of Hokkaido. These structures are made entirely of ice and snow from the lake! Enjoy unique experiences such as sip-ping liquor from ice-hewn glasses at a bar made of ice, or warming up in an open-air hot spring bath set on the frozen waters.The Chichibu area near Tokyo abounds with impressive natural scenery. Making the most of the region’s frigid climes and waters from the mountain streams, local people create icicles up to 30 meters high and 200 meters wide. The event is usually held from early January to late February every year, il-luminated with fantastical lights at night.Unzen is famous for its hot springs. From January to mid-February, hoarfrost can some-times be seen at Nita Pass. Like white flow-ers in full bloom, this particularly ethereal type of frost is a naturally occurring work of art that only appears under the right combi-nation of conditions when sub-zero air mixes with strong winds and high humidity. Enjoy this rare beauty with ease by taking the Unzen Ropeway to the top of Mt. Myoken-dake.一般社団法人 横瀬町観光協会秩父地區靠近東京,擁有豐富的大自然景觀。當地民眾活用此地的嚴寒與溪水,製作出高30公尺、寬達200公尺的冰柱。往年活動多在1月上旬~2月下旬舉辦,夜晚則會打上夢幻燈光點綴。一般社団法人 雲仙観光局6然別湖村位於幾近北海道正中央的然別湖上,是僅在冬季現身的夢幻村莊。此建築全部都是以湖泊的冰與雪建成!可在冰雪酒吧以冰製玻璃杯品嘗美酒,或以冰上露天浴池暖和身體等,享受獨特的體驗。January 27FIND WINTER WONDERLANDS ALL OVER JAPAN!The dazzling beauty of snow and ice 蘆之久保站(西武)→步行10分鐘 JR帶廣站→巴士1小時40分鐘 JR諫早站→巴士90分鐘雲仙以溫泉聞名,從1月起至2月中旬,在仁田峠可欣賞到霧冰。霧冰宛如盛開的白花,是大自然的藝術品,必須兼備冰點下、強風與高濕度等條件時才會出現。搭乘雲仙纜車可前往妙見岳山頂,非常方便。Ashigakubo Icicles蘆久保冰柱Saitama Pref.埼玉縣Shikaribetsuko Kotan然別湖村Frost at Nita Pass 仁田峠的霧冰Nagasaki Pref.長崎縣冰與雪的絕美景緻

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