att.JAPAN Issue 90

Take a rest at the benchA popular photo-taking spotA comfortable sound of the waterfall! Ever EvolvingShibuya進化系澀谷時尚、文化,以及年輕人的文化最為先進的城市──東京澀谷。澀谷站前正在推動大型的開發專案,嶄新的大廈一棟接著一棟開幕。即使是曾經造訪過澀谷的人,應該也會對其變化備感訝異。出發前往每天都在進化的「今時此刻」的澀谷吧!Shibuya, Tokyo is the cutting-edge town in fashion, culture, and youth culture. With the large-scale development projects in pro-cess in front of Shibuya Station, new buildings are opening one after another. If you have visited Shibuya before, you should be surprised by how much the town has changed. Let’s visit the ever-evolving Shibuya at this moment!Opened on Nov.1!©Shibuya Station District Joint Building Business©SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE©SHIBUYA STREAMSHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUAREThe most recommendedSHIBUYA SKYSHIBUYA STREAMe tallest large-scale complex facility in Shibuya area, with a height of about 230 meters with 47 oors aboveground. Directly connected to Shibuya Station, 213 tenants, including shops and restaurants, will open on the 2nd basement to the 14th oor.From this open-air rooftop observatory, which is one of the biggest observatories in Japan, you can have a panoramic view of various famous sites, including the scramble crossing, Tokyo Tower, and Mount Fuji. You can lay down on the arti-cial lawn and relax while looking at the sky with-out having any obstruction. At night, you will be excited about searchlight illuminations!這是澀谷地區最高的約230公尺、地面47層樓的大型複合設施。從澀谷站直通、直上,且從地下2樓到14樓,共有213間商店與餐廳在此展店。從日本最大型的開放區屋頂展望空間,不僅可遠眺全向十字路口,也能將東京鐵塔與富士山等名勝盡收眼底。躺在人工草坪上打滾,抬頭仰望毫無遮擋的天空放鬆。夜裡還有探照燈表演,包你興奮到極點!您知道澀谷正中央流淌著河流嗎?串聯兩大人氣設施,約600公尺的遊步道最適合漫步。自在徒步於此,定能獲得各種發現。附設有飯店與會堂等處的大型複合設施。亦有許多設有露台座位的餐廳,可一邊感受川岸舒適的微風,一邊用餐。 9:00–23:00 (last entrance at 22:30)Did you know there is a river in the mid-dle of Shibuya? e walking path along the river, which stretches about 600 me-ters and connects 2 popular facilities, is perfect for walking. Stroll around and you will nd lots of things and places to see.A large-scale complex facility with restaurants, halls, etc. With many of the restaurants having outdoor terrace seats, you can enjoy food while feeling a comfortable breeze from the river.Shibuya River澀谷川Inari Bridge SquareKonno BridgeKonno Bridge SquareWall FountainSHIBUYASTREAMatt. JAPAN Winter/2019-2010TOKYO

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