att.JAPAN Issue 90

We loveHachiko超喜歡!八公e statue of “Hachiko” in front of the station is very famous and popular as a symbol of Shibuya. Hachi was a dog, who waited for his master’s return in front of Shibuya Station for about 10 years after his death, and became fa-mous as a “faithful dog.” e following section introduces you to pretty food and goods with designs of Hachi, the beloved dog of Shibuya.ree avors of tapioca drink served in a cup with a design of “temaneki hachi,” an original charac-ter of MEGA Don Quijote Shibuya Honten.以唐吉訶德澀谷本店原創「招手小八」設計杯盛裝的奢華珍珠飲料。Tapi-mo茶房SHIBUYA MEGA唐吉訶德澀谷本店1樓Tapi-mo Sabo SHIBUYA MEGA Don Quijote Shibuya Honten 1FTapi-mo Special設置於站前,備受喜愛的澀谷的象徵──「忠犬八公像」。八公是隻因為在澀谷站前持續等候已逝的主人歸來長達10年,而以「忠犬」之姿聞名的小狗。向各位介紹在澀谷此地深獲喜愛的八公的可愛食物與小物。e artistic depiction of Hachi is pretty cool.藝術性的八公視覺效果極佳。SHIBUYA SKY SOUVENIR SHOP SHIBUYA SKYOriginal goodsA lucky charm containing a fortune telling mes-sage related to “rendezvous.” It ts nicely into your palm and looks very cute.中川政七商店 SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE 11樓裝有與「相約碰面」相關的占卜的籤詩。巴掌大的尺寸非常可愛。澀谷犬籤Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE 11FShibuya Fortune Telling DogAn acrylic charm with a cool silhouette of Hachi. Choose your favorite color out of seven colors.八公外型十分時尚的壓克力吊飾。可從7種顏色中任憑喜好選擇!貴和製作所 SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE 11樓Kiwaseisakujo SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE 11F貴和製作所 Original key charmKiwaseisakujo Original Key CharmCastella sponge cake with a design of Toyoko Hachi-ko statue, making a perfect souvenir!繪有東橫八公的蜂蜜蛋糕,最適合做為伴手禮!東急百貨店 東橫店Tokyu Department Store, Toyoko Store〈文明堂東京〉蜂蜜蛋糕Castella Sponge Cake‹Bunmeido Tokyo› Access: 5 min walk from Akihabara Sta. (JR, Subway) /1 min walk from Suehirocho Sta. (Subway)Address: M2 Bldg. 7F, 3-15-6 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, TokyoAccess: 5 min walk from Akihabara Sta. (JR, Subway) /1 min walk from Suehirocho Sta. (Subway)Address: M2 Bldg. 7F, 3-15-6 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo交通方式:從JR、地下鐵 秋葉原站步行5分鐘、從地下鐵 末廣町站步行1分鐘地址:東京都千代田區外神田3-15-6 M2大廈7F交通方式:從JR、地下鐵 秋葉原站步行5分鐘、從地下鐵 末廣町站步行1分鐘地址:東京都千代田區外神田3-15-6 M2大廈7FTel: 03-5577-5197 (in Japanese only)Tel: 03-5577-5197 (in Japanese only)可自在享受日本娛樂文化「柏青哥」的設施,首次登陸東京,於秋葉原開幕。說不定有機會獲得精美的日本伴手禮唷!可自在享受日本娛樂文化「柏青哥」的設施,首次登陸東京,於秋葉原開幕。說不定有機會獲得精美的日本伴手禮唷!A unique facility where everyone can enjoy playing Pachinko, one of the leisure activities of Japan, in a casual manner, is now open in Akihabara, Tokyo. Visit the facility to have fun and you may be able to get a nice souvenir from playing Pachinko!A unique facility where everyone can enjoy playing Pachinko, one of the leisure activities of Japan, in a casual manner, is now open in Akihabara, Tokyo. Visit the facility to have fun and you may be able to get a nice souvenir from playing Pachinko!秋葉原全新娛樂設施開幕!秋葉原全新娛樂設施開幕!OPENING OF OPENING OF A NEW ENTERTAINMENT FACILITY         IN AKIHABARA!A NEW ENTERTAINMENT FACILITY         IN AKIHABARA!att. JAPAN Winter/2019-2012TOKYO

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