att.JAPAN Issue 90

English中文(繁體字)超越邊界,讓人與作品、作品與作品之間產生共鳴的藝術空間。瞬息萬變的作品,呈現在您眼前的畫面,僅有此時此刻此處,獨一無二。In this art space, artworks can transcend boundaries to interact with visitors and with each other. e artworks change continuously; the art before your eyes only can be seen in this place and at this moment.Fleeting ArtCreated by YouAn iconic large-scale artwork in this museum. Water cascades down along a large wall where flowers bloom. When people stand on the art or touch it, they become like rocks that change the ow of water, caus-ing continuous change in the stream of water.An unlimited number of lamps seem to spread forth in this space. When a person stands still among the lamps for a mo-ment, the nearest lamp will emit a brightly colored light and pro-duce sound that then resonates to the next nearest lamps, and to the next nearest lamps, and so on.數位藝術跨越各種「邊界」,為人們帶來嶄新的體驗。此處的作品不似傳統藝術靜止不動,而會走出空間四處移動,還可讓觀賞者透過自己的各種動作,化為作品的一部份。換言之,此處的藝術作品與觀賞者之間,並無任何邊界。約60部的作品時時更新,因此無論幾次造訪,都可與不同的作品來場浪漫邂逅。請來東京細細品味在全球亦屬罕見的數位藝術空間吧!Eliminating any kind of “borders,” digital art can oer a completely new experience. e art won’t stay in one place, but rather moves from the present space to go somewhere else. Just by being in the same space, the audience can be a part of the artwork. In other words, there is no border between the art and the visitors. About 60 pieces of art are regularly updated, oering a new encounter with dierent pieces even for repeat visitors. Enjoy in Tokyo a world of digital art such as the world has never seen!轉瞬即逝的藝術世界,此刻由您打造Universe of Water Particles on a Rock where People GatherForest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, FireThe 3D trajectory of water is simulated and then falattened into the perspective that teamLab has termed “Ultrasubjective Space.” Black Waves - ContinuousFlowers bloom in a teacup. As long as there is tea, the ow-ers continue bloom-ing indenitely.EN TEA HOUSEHours: 10:00–19:00 on weekdays, 10:00–21:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays* Last entry is one hour before closing. * Business hours vary depending on the season.Tickets may already be sold out. Please check the information on the ofcial website, includ-ing other precautions, in advance.Closed on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each monthMORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab BorderlessOdaiba Palette Town, Aomi 1-3-8, Koto-ku, Tokyo03-6368-4292 (10:00–18:00)5-min walk from Tokyo Teleport Station on the Rinkai Line or Aomi Station on the New Transit Yurikamome LineMORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless時間 平日 10:00–19:00 週末例假日 10:00–21:00※最後入館時間為閉館前1小時 ※營業時間依據季節會有更動。票券亦有可能售罄。請務必於官方網站確認售票訊息與注意事項。休館日 每月第2、第4個星期二MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless東京都江東區青海1-3-8 台場palette town03-6368-4292 (10:00–18:00)臨海線 東京電訊站 徒步5分鐘,新交通百合海鷗 青海站徒步5分鐘

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