att.JAPAN Issue 90

We carry only Quality Japanese works of art, in vari-ous price ranges. Shop with condence for antiques and Japanese works of art at Fuji-Torii. Serving col-lectors, foreign residents and Japanese since 1948.An incense holder with a de-sign of a pheasant decorated with beautiful shining shells.It was completed by repeated application of urushi lacquer.Inro cases with a wonderful elaborate design which were created by a father and son.A Japanese folding screen with a gold leaf background which gives dierent impressions, depending on the lighting and angle.ere are various sizes, including ones that can be mounted on a wall.Other popular designs include cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji.70 years of experience with quality handcrafted and painted Japanese arts and crafts. Open: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.Closed on Tuesdays & the third Monday of the month6-1-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001(Adjacent to KIDDY LAND)TEL: 03-3400-2777Visit our English website atwww.fuji-torii.com僅展售各種價位的優質日本美術品。可放心購買古董品與日本美術品的富士鳥居。1948年開業以來,為蒐藏家、外籍居民,以及日籍人士提供服務至今。從明治神宮前站4號出口步行3分鐘從表參道站A1出口步行7分鐘青貝光澤相當優美的綠雉香合。經過多次重覆上漆完成。細緻的工藝十分精緻的印籠,是由一對親子工匠操刀的作品。金底將因光線變化展現不同風情的屏風。備有各種尺寸,亦可懸掛於牆上裝飾。此外,櫻花與富士山的圖樣也大受歡迎。19482019aaaFUKUTOSHIN LINEFUKUTOSHIN LINE3min. walkfrom Exit No.4at Meiji Jingumae Sta.7min. walkfrom Exit A1at Omotesando Sta.

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