att.JAPAN Issue 90

For more, see our website!從校園起步邁向世界、通向社會、開創未來國家、區域、文化、學歷背景與將來的夢想皆有所別,各式各樣的人們群聚於校園之中,跨越藩籬而一同學習。在校園中觀察與學習後,能實際感受到自己具有無限開拓的可能性。青山學院大學將會是您獲得人生中許多的珍貴經驗與青春熱情的核心所在。From AGU to the world, to society, and to the future第10至14頁有青山學院大學所在地澀谷的文章哦Shibuya, a place where Aoyama Gakuin University is located, is featured on pp. 10-14.AOYAMA GAKUIN UNIVERSITY青山学院大学People from different countries, regions and cultures, people from different academic backgrounds, and people with a variety of dreams, all come together to learn at this campus. Here, you look, learn, and you can begin to realize your infinite potential. Aoyama Gakuin University will be at the heart of some of the most important experiences and emotions of your life.

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