att.JAPAN Issue 90

盡情享受瀨戶內當地美食與美酒吧!Savor Local Foodand Drink of Setouchi!Sanuki udonKawarasobaA variety of local sakeLocal sake that goes well with udon讚岐烏龍麵搭配烏龍麵也能完美契合的當地美酒KAGAWA香川YAMAGUCHI山口Kagawa Prefecture is so famous for its udon noodles that it is called a “the udon prefecture.” Flour and salt are ingredients of udon, and Kagawa has long been producing them. e area is dotted with Sanuki-udon shops (Sanuki is the old name of Kagawa Prefecture), and they have various menu items using lemon and sudachi from Setouchi, and others using raw egg and black pepper. e tempura eaten with the udon is delicious, too!is is a local dish of Shimonoseki City. Chasoba noodles are placed on a hot kawara (tile), topped with ingredients, such as salty-sweet sliced beef or shredded egg strips. It is eaten with warm soy sauce-based soup. e crispy taste of the singed noodles is the key to the taste of kawarasoba.Yamaguchi Prefecture is rich in nature and grows a lot of rice, including rice for sake making, thanks to the intense tem-perature differences. We recommend you to try some of the brands, such as Toyobijin, Gangi, and Gokyo, in addi-tion to the world famous Dassai.anks to high-quality water from springs, which is suitable for sake brewing and obtained from the Sanuki Mountains in the southern part of the Kagawa Prefecture, there are six breweries in the pre-fecture, including Kawazuru, Kinryo, and Ayagiku. It is said that local sake from Kagawa Prefecture goes well with udon.盛產小麥及鹽等烏龍麵材料的香川縣,由於烏龍麵名滿天下,甚至被稱為「烏龍麵縣」。縣內隨處可見大量讚岐烏龍麵(讚岐:香川縣的舊國名)店林立,不僅有使用瀨戶內的特產檸檬及酸橘的版本,還有加入生蛋及黑胡椒的變化版本。搭配烏龍麵食用的天婦羅也十分美味!瓦片蕎麥麵是下關市的鄉土料理。將茶味蕎麥麵盛在熾熱的瓦片上滋滋作響,再鋪上施以甜辣調味的牛肉絲及蛋絲等配料,搭配溫熱的沾麵醬汁享用。煎得脆香的麵鍋巴也是瓦片蕎麥麵的美味之處。山口縣擁有得天獨厚的自然資源,由於溫差劇烈故盛行種稻,也因此生產了大量的製酒用米。除了聞名世界的瀨祭以外,也推薦您東洋美人及雁木、五橋等著名品牌。位於香川縣南部廣闊的讚岐山脈,其優質湧泉非常適合用於釀酒,縣內設有川鶴、金陵及綾菊等6間酒廠。香川縣的當地美酒似乎也很適合搭配烏龍麵呢。FOOD食FOOD食DRINK酒DRINK酒當地美酒的寶庫瓦片蕎麥麵The Setouchi region refers to the coastal area of the Seto Inland Sea and consists of that sea and coastal areas of several prefectures – Hyogo, Okayama, Yamaguchi, Tokushima, Kagawa and Ehime.Okonomiyaki (savory pancake), Kobe Beef and oysters are some famous foods of the Setouchi area, but this time, we would like to introduce you to its local foods that the att.JAPAN editors explored when they actually visited there. Also, there are many sakagura (sake breweries) in the Setouchi area, so we will pick up some local sakes made in those areas, local specialty products made with sake, and events featuring sake.瀨戶內地區是指瀨戶內海的沿岸地區,包含兵庫縣與岡山縣、廣島縣、山口縣及德島縣、香川縣、愛媛縣等地方。說到瀨戶內地區的飲食,雖然什錦燒、神戶牛肉及牡蠣等都很有名,但這次我們將為您介紹造訪瀨戶內後的att.JAPAN編輯部所推薦的當地美食。另外,瀨戶內地區內大量釀酒廠林立,我們同樣也會介紹各地區的當地美酒及使用當地特產釀製的酒、以及美酒類動等資訊。TastesGood!6SAVOR LOCAL FOOD AND DRINK OF SETOUCHIatt. KANSAI Winter 2019-20

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