att.JAPAN Issue 90

FOODDRINKHiroshima Prefecture cultivates excellent rice for sake and is also blessed with soft water. is rice and water make the local sake rich and mellow. Why not compare sake from Nada, another famous sake producing area in Setouchi, which uses hard water? Major production places of Hiroshima are Saijo, Kure, and Takehara, with brands of Fukubijin, Ugo no Tsuki, and Suishin.Demikatsu-donOkonomiyakiOne of the famoussake producing places in Japan什錦燒足以代表日本的酒鄉之一A local food that is grilled on an iron plate and is made of our, cab-bage and any ingredient you like, such as meat or seafood. It’s dif-ferent from other okonomiyaki in the point that it has noodles in it. Try dierent kinds of local okonomiyaki: some use local oyster; famous sake spot Takehara’s okonomiyaki is added with sake lees to make it taste mild; and minced meat is used in that of Fuchuyaki, which has a crispy texture.Blessed with abundant fruits, Okayama is home to vari-ous liqueurs using fruits, such as white peaches and pione grapes, which are specialties of Okayama.將多明格拉斯醬(半釉汁)淋在炸豬排上享用的當地美食。多明格拉斯醬宛如味噌般的溫和口感,不僅去除炸豬排的油膩且非常下飯。混合小麥粉、高麗菜、肉及海產類等喜歡的食材,在鐵板上煎熟後享用的當地美食,添加麵條的調理方式為其特徵。除此之外,也有加入廣島特產牡蠣的、而酒鄉竹原則以酒糟入菜增添香醇圓潤,還有加入絞肉強調香脆口感的美味府中燒等不同做法,請盡情品嚐充滿當地特色的什錦燒。廣島縣為優質酒米的產地,且該地區的軟水可生產出香醇濃郁的清酒。不妨在同為瀨戶內的酒鄉之地,細細品嚐廣島美酒與硬水釀製的灘之酒間的差異,享受評比的樂趣吧?主要產地為西條、吳、竹原,以福美人、雨後之月、竹鶴、醉心等品牌聞名。岡山縣被稱為水果王國。使用當地特產水果釀造的利口酒種類非常豐富,例如白桃及貓眼葡萄等。食FOOD食酒DRINK酒Akashiyaki Japanese WhiskeyLocal people call it “tamagoyaki,” too. It melts and the avor of broth and egg spreads out in your mouth the moment after you put it in your mouth after dipping it in the hot dashi.ere has been a lot of sake production from long time ago in Akashi thanks to the nice climate, high quality water and quality rice production. And now, its whiskey is also attracting attention. “Akashi” is whiskey created by toji, ex-perts of Japanese sake production, and has fans all over Japan.當地也將明石燒稱為雞蛋燒。吸飽熱騰騰高湯的明石燒入口即化,高湯及雞蛋的絕妙滋味充斥口腔。明石燒裡面包著章魚,乍看之下很像章魚燒,但只要吃過一次,就知道它與章魚燒截然不同!明石由於氣候穩定,又是優質水源及好米的產地,雖然清酒釀製自古以來頗負盛名,然而目前最引人注目的卻是威士忌。由精通釀製日本酒的杜氏(釀酒師)經手生產的威士忌「AKASHI(明石)」,其獨特滋味擄獲了全國粉絲的味蕾。Liqueur using fruitsOKAYAMAHYOGO兵庫岡山食酒日本威士忌水果釀造酒明石燒多明炸豬排蓋飯HIROSHIMA廣島FOODDRINKA local food that puts demiglace sauce on a pork cutlet. e smooth demiglace sauce that is similar to miso sauce disguises the fattiness of the cutlet, so you will be eating a lot of rice before you know it.att. JAPAN7

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