Mameten-tamayakiYakibuta tamagomeshiLiquor of sudachiMikan liquorTOKUSHIMAEHIME德島愛媛is is a local specialty of Tokushima made by adding sweet simmered kintoki beans and shrimp tempura to okonomiyaki. e sweetness of the kintoki beans matches the sweet but salty taste of the okonomi-sauce surprisingly well, and you will get hooked on the taste. is combination is unique to Tokushima Prefecture, where it is said that people developed an af-nity for sweets precisely because the area had a lot of salt elds.A local food famous in Imabari City. Grilled pork and half-fried egg are put on rice with a sweet and spicy sauce. e yolk of the half-fried egg blends with the roast pork and stimulates the appetite.Liquor using juice of suda-chi, Tokushima’s local cit-rus, has a refreshing fla-vor. Drinking a chilled one straight is ne. On the rocks or with soda are also good.Ehime Prefecture is a major production area of mikan (mandarin oranges). Using Ehime’s mikan that have a good balance of sweetness and sourness, the mikan liquor blended with honkaku shochu (authentic distilled spirits) goes down well and has a clear taste without bitterness or unpleasant taste.在什錦燒配料中加入香甜煮紅豆及蝦米天婦羅後,再煎熟食用的當地美食。紅豆恰到好處的甜味與什錦燒醬汁意外合拍,甚至會讓您上癮。據說是由於縣內鹽田廣闊,反而讓嗜甜者因此增加,進而衍生出這種德島縣獨有的特色組合。在今治市備受喜愛的當地美食。是一種將叉燒及半熟煎蛋鋪在白飯上,再淋上甜辣醬汁的蓋飯。半熟蛋的黏稠蛋液裹著叉燒肉,令人垂涎欲滴。使用了德島縣產酸橘汁的口感清爽的利口酒。冷藏后直接飲用或加冰塊、兌蘇打都很美味。愛媛縣是最大的蜜柑產地。選用酸甜平衡絕佳的愛媛縣產蜜柑,結合正宗燒酒後製成的蜜柑酒,其滋味圓潤順口且清爽透澈,不含一絲苦澀及雜味。FOOD食FOOD食DRINK酒DRINK酒酸橘酒豆天玉燒叉燒煎蛋飯蜜柑酒Date 舉行期間Event Name 活動名稱Place 會場Feb. 222020年2月22日Shikoku Sake Festival四國酒祭Tokushima德島Mar. 7-152020年3月7~15日The Okyaku of Tosa 2020土佐OKYAKU(宴席)2020Kouchi高知Mid-Apr.2020年4月中旬Sake from Kurashiki Sanzen Shinshu Festival倉敷美酒 燦然新酒祭典Okayama岡山Late Jul.2020年7月下旬頃Shikoku Sake Festival (summer)四國酒祭(夏之役)Tokushima德島Late Aug.-early Sep.2020年8月末~9月初Bicchu Tamashimaminato Sake Festival備中玉島湊酒祭Okayama岡山Early Sep.2020年9月上旬Shikoku Sake Festival (autumn)四國酒祭(秋之役)Tokushima德島Mid-Sep.2020年9月中旬Okayama Autumn Sake Festival岡山 秋日酒祭Okayama岡山Oct. 12020年10月1日Hiroshima Sake Festival廣島酒祭Hiroshima廣島Early Oct.2020年10月上旬Horoyoi Festa微醉酒祭Ehime愛媛Mid-Oct.2020年10月中旬Saijo Sake Festival西條酒祭Hiroshima廣島Mid-Oct.2020年10月中旬Walk Around Kabe (sampling local sake)可部街道漫步(在地釀酒廠的試飲活動等)Hiroshima廣島Mid-Oct.2020年10月中旬Yuda Onsen Sake Festival 湯田溫泉酒祭Yamaguchi山口Late Oct. / Early Nov.2020年10月下旬/11月上旬Nada no Beppin Sake Festival灘之絕品酒祭Hyogo兵庫Late Nov.2020年11月下旬The 20th Feast of Kinryo Hatsu-shibori祝宴 第20屆金陵初搾酒祭Kagawa香川在瀨戶內海地區,全年都會舉辦與酒相關的活動。由於秋冬之際為準備新酒的時節,而10月1日被選定為「日本酒之日」,因此這段期間會舉辦特別多的酒類活動。Events that features sake are held throughout the year in the Setouchi region. They start preparing new sake in autumn and winter, so October 1 is called “the Japanese sake day.” Many sake festivals are held especially in this season.Calendar of Annual Sake Events in Setouchi瀬戶內年間酒類活動行事曆Please see here for more information!更多資訊請見網站!웹사이트에서 확인해주세요!English中文繁体中文簡体한국어日本語 KANSAI Winter 2019-208SAVOR LOCAL FOOD AND DRINK OF SETOUCHI
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