att.JAPAN Issue 90

Recently, in Kurashiki, where sake has been made since an-cient times, wine-making also has become popular, produc-ing a popular wine made with Muscat of Alexandria, which is called the “Queen of Grapes.”雖然倉敷自古以來盛行釀造清酒,但近年來被譽為「麝香葡萄女王」的亞歷山大麝香葡萄,以其釀造的葡萄酒也廣受歡迎。Blessed with nice warm weather and abundant nature, Setouchi naturally has a wonderful variety of food ingredients, leading to the development of the food culture unique to the area. Part of the great food culture of Setouchi is local sake, which is produced at various places in the region. rough a tour of the whole area of Setouchi, savor unique local dish-es nurtured by its unique food culture along with local sake that perfectly matches with the dishes to satisfy your stomach and soul.盡享當地美酒與佳餚的瀨戶內環遊之旅Enjoy Local Sake and Delicious Dishesin SetouchiAlthough not so widely known, Kurashiki is another sake region. Enjoy a glass of sake in Kurashiki, a city with beautiful white walls.這裡其實是酒鄉。在倉敷美麗的白壁老街中小酌一杯Kurashiki, with attractive and nostalgic old buildings remain-ing along some streets, is known as a big fruit producing region, growing fruits such as Muscat grapes and white peaches. It is also a sake producing region, oering great sake made with a combi-nation of delicious rice, pure water, and unsurpassed skills of toji sake brewers.隨處可見過往痕跡的倉敷老街,雖然以麝香葡萄及白桃等水果產地聞名,而使用美味白米及清澈好水,再加上杜氏(釀酒師)卓越的釀酒技術釀製而成的日本酒,也是不可多得的極品。The popular “Konpira-san” Shrine (Kotohira-gu Shrine), depicted in ukiyo-e.香火鼎盛,足以被繪製成浮世繪的「金毘羅君」(金刀比羅宮)。Kotohira prospered as the town around Kotohira-gu Shrine, which is referenced in the famous old phrase “Everyone must visit Konpira-san at least once in a lifetime.” e area has long been producing sake, which serves as o-mikizake (sacred sake) oered to the gods of Shinto. e area is also famous as an on-sen town. Some onsen ryokan hotels in the area serve Sanuki-udon noodles, one of the local specialties, and o-mikizake.號稱「此生必參拜一次金毘羅」,作為金刀比羅宮門前町繁榮發展的琴平。這裡自古以來釀造作為御神酒的日本酒。琴平也以溫泉鄉聞名,您在溫泉旅館內也能享用美味的著名特產讚崎烏龍麵及御神酒。金陵之鄉使用面向金刀比羅宮參道的古老酒廠倉庫,介紹昔日的釀酒知識。Kinryo no Sato Sake MuseumUtilizing an old restored sake brewery facing the front ap-proach to Kotohira-gu Shrine, this museum introduces tradi-tional ways of sake-making.讚岐烏龍麵不僅能享用烏龍麵,還有能體驗親手製作烏龍麵的設施。Sanuki-udon NoodlesAt some facilities, you can not only enjoy eating the noodles, but also enjoy making them yourself.瀨戶內擁有溫暖的氣候及深受自然恩惠的豐富資源,可說是食材的寶庫,而這片土地上也孕育出獨樹一格的飲食文化。各地釀造的當地美酒便是其一。在巡遊瀨戶內的同時,盡情享受豐富多彩的飲食文化及與之堪稱絕配的當地美酒吧。att. KANSAI Winter 2019-2010

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