att.JAPAN Issue 90

將炒麵及白飯在鐵板上拌炒後食用的神戶鄉土料理「炒麵飯」“Soba-meshi,” Kobe’s local dish in which yakisoba noodles and rice are cooked on an iron plate.Kobe, one of the biggest sake producing regions in Japan, also serves as a great source of food, including Kobe Beef.足以代表日本的酒鄉,同時也是能品嚐神戶牛肉等美食的寶庫Although Kobe is a big city, the area is endowed with nature, with the ocean and mountains nearby. From the opening of Kobe Port about 150 years ago, Kobe developed as an international city through incorporation of various foreign cultures and attracts visitors with its variety of food cul-tures, including not only the world famous “Kobe Beef,” but also sake, Western confectioneries, and its Chinatown.神戶是個依山傍海的大城市,擁有得天獨厚的自然環境。自從約150年前神戶港開港以來,吸收多種文化並加以發展的神戶,不只有聞名世界的「神戶牛肉」,還有日本酒、西式甜點以及中華街等,是個飲食文化豐富多彩的美食城。Rich in food that is nurtured by the tidal current of Naruto Strait, one of the three biggest tidal currents in the world, and abundant nature.世界三大潮流之一的鳴門海峽,與得天獨厚的美食寶庫Located at the eastern part of Shikoku island, Naruto City serves as the gate-way connecting the main island and Shikoku. e town is lled with attrac-tive aspects of history and culture, and also wonderful nature, such as the tidal current of Naruto Strait, Ryozen-ji Temple, which is Temple 1 of the Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage, indigo dyeing, and Awa-odori dance. ere are also great dishes unique to Naruto, blessed with abundant nature.位於四國東部,連接本州與四國間的門戶・鳴門市,擁有以「鳴門海峽漩渦」為首的迷人自然景觀,還有四國八十八處靈場的參拜起點・靈山寺、藍染、阿波舞等悠久的歷史及文化,是個極具魅力的城市。在優渥的自然環境中所孕育出的鳴門特色美食,也十分值得推薦!日本第一酒鄉「灘五鄉」。盛行使用高品質酒米及六甲山優質湧泉的釀酒業,可參觀釀酒廠及免費試喝。“Nada-gogo,” the biggest sake producing region in Japan. In this area, sake is produced with high-quality sake rice and high-quality water that ows off of Mount Rokko. Some breweries of-fer a brewery tour and/or tasting free of charge.唯有經過嚴格審查並取得合格認證的牛,才有資格被稱為「神戶牛肉」。Only beef cattle that have passed a rigorous screening can be branded as “Kobe Beef.”鳴門鯛在鳴門海峽的激流中所孕育出的鳴門鯛,其特徵為富含彈性的結實魚身。特別是春季正值鯛魚產卵期,魚體囤積大量脂肪最為肥美,以「櫻鯛」之名深受饕客喜愛。Naruto-tai (red sea bream)Breeding in the rapid stream of Naruto Strait, Naruto-tai is characterized by its rubbery, tight esh. The ones rich in fat before spawn-ing in spring are called “Sakura-dai,” and are much liked by sh-eaters.鳴門漩渦因潮位高低差而產生的「漩渦」,於春秋大潮之際最為壯觀,直徑長達20公尺,被譽為世界上最大的漩渦,您可以走在位於大鳴門橋橋樑上的觀景步道,從正上方俯瞰極具迫力的漩渦,也可以搭乘觀潮船近距離感受漩渦洶湧翻騰帶來的震撼。Tidal current of Naruto“Uzushio,” a tidal current generated by tidal variation, reaches a peak as large as 20 me-ters in diameter during tides in spring and autumn, which is said to be biggest in the world. You can look down at the powerful tidal current directly above from the walking path under the beam of Onaruto Bridge or experience the whirling current close-up from a ferry.鳴門海帶鳴門海峽孕育出的鳴門海帶,不但色澤及香味極佳,且咬勁十足!唯有在產地才能享用的現採海帶涮涮鍋,更是極品美食!2~3月為盛產期。Naruto Wakame SeaweedNaruto wakame grown in Naruto Strait is great in color, aroma, and texture! A shabu-shabu dish of freshly-harvested wakame, which is only available at its producing area, is simple but ex-quisite! The season is in February and March.TokushimaPrefectureOkayamaPrefectureHyogo PrefectureKagawaPrefectureKurashiki Sta. Sannomiya Sta.Osaka Sta.Kansai International AirportAwaji Island Naruto Sta.Kotohira Sta.High-speed boat“Bay Shuttle”KurashikiNarutoKotohiraKobeKobe Naruto Kotohira Kurashiki Kobe1 hr 20 min1 hr 20 min55 min2 hr 14 minTime required for travelling between cities by rental car神戶自古以來深受西方文化影響,因而發展出獨特的甜點文化,以“神戶甜點”之名擄獲不少人的味蕾。In Kobe, with Western culture elements rooted in its society for a long time, sweets have devel-oped in a unique way, and “Kobe Sweets” entice many people with a sweet tooth.att. JAPAN11

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