att.JAPAN Issue 90

OKAYAMA岡山Scenic Okayama Sightseeing 1-day Bus TourEnd of Tour at Okayama Station West Exit岡山站 西口 抵達終點約300年前,由統治此地的岡山藩主所建立的大型庭園,四季皆有各種花卉爭相競妍。冬天至春天期間,近150棵的山茶花、紅白梅加起來共100棵的梅花,都不容錯過。3月下旬起的櫻花隧道、花季較染井吉野櫻稍晚的枝垂櫻,都是相當熱門的拍照景點。OkayamaKorakuenGarden岡山後樂園Every Saturday until March 28, 2020 (except for December 28, 2019 and January 4, 2020)8,800 yen (Child 5,800 yen)PERIOD PRICES 截至2020年3月28日的每週週六(2019年12月28日、2020年1月4日除外)成人8,800日圓(兒童5,800日圓)期間價格 to reserve for details, please access預約方法:詳情請見此處Kamba-no-Taki Waterfalls, one of Japan’s Top 100 Waterfalls, are a dynamic water-fall, with a height of 110 meters, which is the highest in the Chugoku Area. Around the falls, you may come across wild monkeys.岡山絕景巴士一日遊這個巴士旅遊行程,不僅有導遊隨行,景點更包括了必須搭車才能到訪的絕景勝地,相當適合想深度探訪岡山的遊客。我參加這個旅遊行程時,還在神庭瀑布遇到了老婆婆級的猴子唷。Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter (strolling)倉敷美觀地區(散步)Mt. Washuzan Observatory (viewing the sunset)鷲羽山觀景台(欣賞落日)傍晚EarlyEveningFrom the observatory, you can see the is-lands along with the grand Seto Ohashi Bridge. e wonderful view of the sun going under the ocean can only be seen from autumn to winter.在觀景台上,可將島嶼及壯觀的瀨戶大橋盡收眼底。沈入大海的落日景色,更是由秋轉冬時才能見到的絕佳景觀。About 10 minutes on foot from JR Kurashiki Station, this town developed as a depot for goods transportation from the 1600s. e white-walled rice store-houses and the rows of willow trees along the river form a modern yet nostalgic streetscape. ere are many shops and cafés that sell specialty products, such as canvas and denim.從JR倉敷站步行約10分鐘。自1600年代起,就作為運送物資的集散地而繁榮至今。以河川沿岸的白壁米庫和柳樹林蔭道,造就出懷舊時髦氛圍的街景。帆布和單寧商品應有盡有的倉敷特產店家及咖啡廳也相當多。下午PMKamba-no-Taki Waterfalls神庭瀑布Hiruzen Highlands (lunch)蒜山高原(午餐)中午NoonAt one of the most popular mountain resorts in western Japan, you can enjoy a Japanese lunch set on weekdays or a buet-style lunch on Sat, Sun, and holidays. Enjoy some local dishes such as Japanese mutton barbecue as a Hiruzen specialty, along with yoghurt or other dairy products made from Jersey cattle milk.在西日本地區數一數二的高原度假村裡,平日午餐可享用日式套餐,每到週六、週日、節假日提供吃到飽午餐!並有蒜山出名的成吉思汗烤肉等當地美食,還能享用到使用澤西牛乳製作的優格等。神庭瀑布是被列為「日本瀑布百選」之一的著名瀑布,高度達110公尺,其規模堪稱中國地區第一。此外,遊客可能還有機會遇到棲息於附近的野生猴子。上午AMThis bus tour, which oers a guided tour to places with great views, which are ac-cessible only by car, is perfect to explore Okayama more deeply! When I joined the tour, I came across an old “grandmother” monkey at the Kamba-no-Taki Waterfalls.Leaving Okayama Station West Exit岡山站 西口 出發Editor’s Comment特別推薦給資深遊客的您,更深度探索瀨戶內地區!If you are an experienced traveler, explore Setouchi more deeply!It’s a convenient and comfortable trip by taking a bus from the station!從車站就能搭車,既便利又舒適!©岡山県観光連盟©岡山県観光連盟編者語410 yenPRICES JR Okayama Sta.30 min on footACCESS8:00-17:00 (varies depending on the season)410日圓價格JR岡山站→步行約30分鐘交通方式One of the “Three Great Gardens of Japan,” this is a large garden created by the domain lord of Okayama about 300 years ago. From winter to spring, 150 camellia trees and 100 red and white plum trees are fully blooming. The cherry blossom tunnel and weeping cherry blossoms, the season of which is later than that of Somei-yoshino cherry blossoms, are popular photo spots from around late March.8:00~17:00(依季節不同而異)MOREatt. JAPAN13

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