YAMAGUCHI山口錦帶橋在於寬達約200公尺的河川上,架設了五座相連的木拱橋。這座不會被水沖走的橋,於17世紀後期竣工。放眼國際,其結構仍是相當罕見,不難感受到前人的智慧與熱情。作為日本三大橋之一,每逢春季河川沿岸的春櫻盛開更是繽紛美好。而錦帶橋對岸還有岩國城等古蹟,適合一邊散心一邊逛逛。Shin-YamaguchiStation新山口站Roadside StationKitaura Kaido HohokuLunch (not included in the tour)道之驛北浦街道 豐北<午餐自理>Tsunoshima Ohashi,Tsunoshima Lighthouse Park角島大橋、角島燈台公園Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays until March 31, 2020 (except for December 28, 2019 to January 5, 2020)6,000 yen (Child 3,000 yen)截止2020年3月31日的週六、日及國定假日(2019年12月28日~2020年1月5日期間除外)成人6,000日圓(兒童3,000日圓)PERIOD PRICES 期間價格ROUTE路 線錦帶橋唐戶市場Kintaikyo BridgeKarato Fish MarketShin-Yamaguchi Station新山口站Motonosumi-jinja Shrine元乃隅神社Tsunoshima Bridge and Motonosumi Inari Shrine Day Tripfrom Hiroshima/Yamaguchi從廣島/山口出發的角島大橋・元乃隅神社巴士一日遊With this tour, you can visit both Motonosumi-jinja Shrine, which is famous for the red torii gates continuing towards the ocean, and Tsunoshima, which is famous for the great view with the bridge stretching over the ocean.Characterized by a series of ve wooden arch bridges across the wide river and with a total length of almost 200 meters, Kintaikyo Bridge was completed in the late 1700s as a wooden bridge that could withstand being carried away by waters. e unique structure, which is rare around the world, is a testament to the wisdom and passion of the builders of previous ages. It is one of the “ree Great Bridges of Japan,” and the area along the river is beautifully deco-rated with cherry blossoms in spring, a breathtaking scenery. On the other side of the bridge, there are some historical sites, including Iwakuni Castle, where you can enjoy strolling around.Located at the westernmost point of the main is-land, Shimonoseki City is famous as a place that is blessed with great seafood, including blow sh. “Karato Fish Market,” which faces the Kanmon Straits, allows travelers to come in. “Iki-iki Bakangai” is a “sushi battle” event, which is held on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. During the event, many stalls are set up to serve sushi and don-bowl dishes with fresh sh and sea-food toppings.行程中將遊覽那面海紅色鳥居連綿不絕的元乃隅神社,以及以在海上筆直延伸大橋景觀聞名的角島。日本本州最西端的下關市是河豚等海產的知名寶庫。正對關門海峽的「唐戶市場」,也開放一般遊客進入,而每逢週五、週末及國定假日就會舉辦的「活跳跳馬關街」中,會有攤販進駐,可在此大啖新鮮壽司及海鮮蓋飯。There are still more recommended spots!推薦景點再加碼!ACCESSJR Shin-Iwakuni Sta. about 15 min by bus bound for “around Kintaikyo” or about 10 min by taxiJR新岩國站→搭乘「往錦帶橋區域方向」巴士約15分鐘,或搭計程車約10分鐘交通方式ACCESSJR Shimonoseki Sta. about 7 min by busand get o at “Karato” 5 min on footJR下關站→搭乘巴士約7分鐘「唐戶」下車→步行5分鐘交通方式How to reserve for details, please access預約方法: 詳情請見網站!att. JAPAN15
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