att.JAPAN Issue 90

att. Hot Springs①②Whether you can enjoy “yukimi-roten” or not, it depends on the weather. If you can see a high wall of accumulated snow, you are lucky. ③With some of the buildings over 200 years old, you may feel like that you have travelled back in time with the whole town. ④The local specialty is Yonezawa beef, which is considered one of the “Three Best Wagyu” brands in Japan. People enjoy it in the form of shabu-shabu or sukiyaki.①②「賞雪露天浴池」視天氣狀況而定。若能看到高高堆起的雪牆代表您十分幸運。 ③這裡也有屋齡超過200年的建築物,整個街道充滿懷舊氛圍,令人彷彿穿越時空。 ④特產為擁有日本三大和牛之一美譽的米澤牛。做成美味的涮涮鍋或壽喜燒享用。Located in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture, Shirabu Onsen is a long-established onsen with a history of more than 700 years. Featuring a clear and colorless sulfur spring with various healthful eects, it has been one of the popular places for hydropathic treatment in the Tohoku area for a long time. Several onsen inns are located in a village nestled among the scenic mountains, oering unique and original ways to enjoy onsen, including an onsen waterfall using hot spring water naturally gushing out and a stone-made open-air onsen that blends into the surrounding nature. In this area, you can walk around and visit dierent onsen facilities.Located at an altitude of 900 meters, the area around Shirabu Onsen is a great place to enjoy various outdoor activities, including climbing at Mount Nishiazuma, one of the “100 Best Mountains” in Japan, strolling in Tengendai Kogen Plateau in summer, and skiing at Tengendai Ski area in winter. With a clear stream of the Otaru River near the onsen town, you can see the powerful ow of Shirabu-ootaki Falls from melted snow water from spring to summer and enjoy shing at the mountain stream. It is especially recommended to visit this area in winter when you can see unique shapes of trees completely covered with ice, called “snow monsters.” e town itself is covered with snow and one of the onsen inns, “Higashiya Ryokan,” oers “yukimi-roten” (snow-viewing bath), an open-air onsen bath surrounded by snow walls as high as two meters. As the onsen water can keep its high temperature even if it is surrounded by snow, you can enjoy immersing yourself into the onsen without feeling cold.白布溫泉位於山形縣米澤市。此溫泉自開鑿以來已擁有700年以上歷史,透明無色的硫酸鹽泉具有各式各樣的療效,自古以來便是東北地方具代表性的溫泉療法熱點。溫泉旅店聚集在風景秀麗的山谷聚落中,每間旅店都有不同特色,例如活用天然湧泉的生動迷人的溫泉瀑布、或是擁有自然鮮活魅力的石製露天浴池等。您可以在此享受邊散步邊巡遊溫泉的樂趣。座落於海拔900公尺的高原地區,您可以在夏季享受攀登日本百名山之一的西吾妻山,或漫步天原台高原的樂趣,到了冬天,這裡則變成天原台滑雪場的基地。溫泉街沿線的大樽川流水潺潺,清澈見底,春夏融雪期可遠眺白布大瀑布水勢洶湧奔流而下的壯觀景象,還能享受溪釣之樂,不過最值得推薦的還是冬天,因為您可以看到西吾妻山有「雪怪」之稱的樹冰。溫泉街也被白雪覆蓋,在其中一間溫泉旅館「東屋」,則能享受被高達2公尺的雪牆圍繞的「賞雪露天浴池」。即使被冰雪環繞,溫泉水卻溫暖依舊,讓您感受不到一絲寒冷盡情泡溫泉。AccessTokyo Sta. → 125 min by Yamagata Shinkansen → Yonezawa Sta. → 50 min by bus →Shirabu Onsen There is a complimentary shuttle bus service from Yonezawa Station to inns in the town. For details, please contact respective inns.*Access time is approximated and may change depending on trac and other conditions.交通東京站→搭乘山形新幹線125分鐘→米澤站→搭乘巴士50分鐘→白布溫泉從米澤站到旅館有巴士接送服務。詳情請洽各設施確認。※ 所需時間僅供參考。 可能因當下的交通狀況有所變動。More Info 詳細資訊Tourism Division, Yonezawa City Hall 米澤市觀光課TEL: 0238-22-5111 URL: of the historical onsen inns are not fully equipped with modern facilities, such as air-conditioning and shower facilities, which may seem inconvenient at rst and not appealing. However, such an inn actually makes your trip extraordinary and gives you a chance to experience a comfortable way of living utilizing the old wisdom of Japan. 一些歷史悠久的溫泉旅館沒有空調及淋浴設備等,可能會感覺到有所不便。但正因如此,才能擁有這種脫離日常、體驗用日本傳統智慧度過舒適生活的機會。From Editor編者語①②③④A quiet time surrounded by pure white snow 在皚皚白雪環繞下的靜謐時光 TokyoTokyoNagoyaOsakaShirabu Onsen  白布溫泉Shirabu-ootaki Falls 白布大瀑布 →Please see here for more information!更多資訊請見網站!웹사이트에서 확인해주세요!English中文繁体中文簡体한국어Franç JAPAN 17HOT SPRINGS

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