att.JAPAN Issue 90

A kotatsu is a low blanketed table with a heater xed to the under-side. Sit on the oor with your legs tucked in and you’ll feel so snug, you won’t want to move. 暖爐桌就是在桌板底下備有加熱器,並在上頭蓋了棉被的暖爐設備。鑽進暖爐桌裡,即可溫暖腰部以下。e winter thing to do is to snuggle up to a kotatsu with a mound of mandarin orang-es at the height of their season. Mandarins are said to stave o colds and hydrate the body, the perfect cold-weather go-to.Dierent prefectures, however, have their own customs. In Fukui Prefecture, for instance, the kotatsu snack of choice happens to be not mandarins but mizu yokan, a confection of red bean jelly. en there are people who associate cats with ko-tatsu. Our warm-blooded feline friends seem to love curling up within the radius of a kotatsu. Types of Kotatsu 暖爐桌的種類Kotatsu Must-Haves 暖爐桌不可或缺的良伴鑽進暖爐桌內,享用在冬季迎來盛產期的蜜柑的情景乃是招牌景色。蜜柑具有預防感冒和補充水分的效果,最適合鑽進暖爐桌時食用。福井縣不只出產蜜柑,也有在冬季享用水羊羹的飲食文化扎根等,依地區不同,各有特色。說起暖爐桌,也許有人會聯想到貓咪吧!怕冷的貓咪似乎也會受到溫暖的暖爐桌吸引。Sightseeing boats navi-gate the moats of Matsue, a castle town in Shimane Prefecture. See the castle from diverse perspectives and sail past the former residence of famous for-eign-born writer Lafcadio Hearn, all the while in the warm comfort of a kotat-su, from November 11 to April 10. 在島根縣松江市內,可搭小船繞行護城河,眺望松江城下的風景、與小泉八雲淵源深厚之地等。自11月10日起至4月10日,將有設置暖爐桌的遊覽船航行。Matsue Horikawa Pleasure Boat繞行松江 堀川巡禮Mogami River Boat Ride最上川遊船Kotatsu Cruises! ◆ 一邊觀光,一邊享用暖爐桌吧!◆The Sunken Kotatsu Cruise down the river while taking in the view of the majestic Mogami Valley. e kotatsu boats will be in service from December 2019 to March 2020. Sit around a warm kotatsu while gazing at the passing winter landscape, reminiscent of a Japanese ink brush painting. Note: e kotatsu boat is in service 3 times daily at 10:50 am, 12:50 pm and 2:50 pm.可從船上享受最上峽景觀的遊船。2019年12月~2020年3月為止,將有「暖爐桌船」登場。圍繞著溫暖的暖爐桌,並從船內欣賞冬季的景緻吧!將可進入宛如水墨畫般的世界。*暖爐桌船一天3班10:50、12:50、14:50Warm Up to a Japanese Kotatsu in WinterWhile a kotatsu is a winter staple in Japan, it may be completely for-eign to our friends from abroad. e kotatsu is a heater indispensable to Japanese households from days of old. But not only in Japanese homes: traditional inns and restaurants, as well as some modes of trav-el, also oer this comfort of home, so by all means, give it a try. 暖爐桌是日本冬季的風情畫,應該也有人覺得這是一樣不可思議的東西吧!暖爐桌是自古就在日本家庭中為人使用且不可或缺的暖氣設備。在餐飲店、旅館等旅途中也有可以體驗之處,不妨一試!過個溫暖的冬天吧! 日本的暖爐桌A great innovation if you can’t sit for long, Japanese style! e kotat-su table rests above an opening in the oor where the tatami mat has been removed. Relax while dan-gling your feet as though sitting in a chair. 這是挖空地板或榻榻米的一部份,並於其上設置暖爐桌而成。有別於一般的暖爐桌,可以像坐椅子般加以使用,因此特別推薦給不擅長跪坐的人。e traditional kotatsu is a low table with a large rectangular or square top. Today, we see modern variations that boast stylish and practical appeal. On the market are one-person kotatsu, bed-type kotatsu, and kotatsu tall enough to pull up a chair to.傳統的暖爐桌是巨大的長方形或正方形的矮桌。不過,最近也有具備高度的設計感、講究時尚的桌子,以及單人用、寵物用、搭配座椅的暖爐桌等各式各樣的暖爐桌。坑式暖爐桌What’s a Kotatsu暖爐桌是什麼?att. JAPAN Winter/2019-2018KOTATSU

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