att.JAPAN Issue 90

Please see here for more information!更多資訊請見網站!웹사이트에서 확인해주세요!English中文繁体中文簡体한국어日本語 neko donut, or cat-shaped do-nut, is a favorite at Blue Sky Coee, a takeout shop on the grounds of the Inokashira Park. e donut, shaped like a curled-up cat, is crispy on the outside while soft and chewy on the inside. e donut comes in a bag with a drawing of a kotatsu on the outside. e curled-up neko donut inside makes for a humor-ous visual pun.Keishindo, famous makers of shrimp crackers, offers a win-ter gift set called “Fuyu Akari,” or winter brightness. Among the assortments is a package of “ko-tatsu neko” shrimp crackers that look like a sleeping cat, playfully enclosed in a kotatsu illustrated wrapper lm. A perfect gift for the cat lover!Cafe Stay HappyRyogoku Terrace Cafe兩國Terrace CafeA laid back, resort feel of a cafe where you will “Stay Happy” and warm from November to March in their colorful and inviting kotatsu. Organic vegetables and non-additive ingredients are standard in their menus and their beer and coee hail from all over the world. eir desserts, too, are highly popular.Nearest Station: Shimokitazawa Sta.Located on the banks of the Sumida River, next door to the Kyu Yasuda Garden, where “Food and Health,” or healthy eat-ing, is its theme. Its outside terrace setting gives way to kotatsu tables from October 21 to March (tbd), providing a whole new meaning to terrace dining. Nearest Station: Ryogoku Sta.在度假風的店內,自11月起至3月,將設有蓋上可愛花紋的棉被的暖爐桌座位。使用有機栽培蔬菜與無添加物食材製作,世界各國的啤酒、咖啡,以及甜點廣受歡迎。最近車站:下北澤站這是位在隅田川河岸邊,與舊安田庭園比鄰,以「食與健康」為主題的咖啡館。可感受季節的開放式露台座位,僅於冬季的10月21日~3月期間變身為「暖爐桌座位」。也可在暖爐桌中享受火鍋。最近車站:兩國站Kotatsu Spots in Tokyo◆ 東京暖爐桌景點◆ “Kotatsu Cat” Shrimp Crackers「暖爐桌貓」的蝦煎餅這是座落於井之頭公園內的咖啡館「Blue Sky Coee」的人氣商品。甜甜圈為貓型,口感外脆內軟。包裝袋上還繪有「暖爐」的插圖,彷彿小貓正睡在暖爐桌下一樣。蝦煎餅名店「桂新堂」的冬季限定什錦禮盒「冬之光」裡,裝有可愛貓咪形狀的「暖爐桌貓」。外包裝上畫有暖爐桌的圖案,就像是貓咪睡在暖爐棉被裡一樣!也非常適合當作伴手禮。“Kotatsu Cat” Treats◆「暖爐桌貓」的點心◆Cat Donuts貓咪甜甜圈att. JAPAN 19

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