att.JAPAN Issue 90

Enjoy Snow in Japan!享受日本雪之樂趣!Japan has all kinds of snow activities to oer with great scenery and fun events all over Japan from the north to south during winter. Here are some of them.Hokkaido |Hokkaido |北海道北海道除可享受騎馬、馬雪橇等親近馬匹的活動之外,迷你雪上摩托車、越野滑雪、雪上泛舟等活動一應俱全。在餐廳內還可享受手打蕎麥麵與正統的西餐。以粉雪為傲的滑雪度假村。除了雙板滑雪與單板滑雪之外,還備有老少咸宜的雪地橡皮圈、雪地摩托車,以及雪鞋之旅等各式各樣的運動。You can enjoy interacting with horses through activities like horseback riding and horse sledding. Also, they have great snow activities such as mini-snowmobiles, cross country skiing and snow rafting. Handmade soba buckwheat noodles and authentic Western food are available at restaurants.A snow resort area that takes pride in its powder snow. Of course you can ski and snowboard, but they also have various programs in which children and adults can enjoy themselves together, such as snow tubing, snowmobile tours and snowshoe tours.NORTHERN HORSE PARKNiseko Hanazono ResortIwateAkitaAomoriMiyagiYamagataFukushimaTochigi北國優駿公園新雪谷花園度假村©NORTHERN HORSE PARK22414163511向各位介紹日本從北到南,可在冬季享受的戲雪、美景,以及娛樂活動等。1015att. JAPAN Winter/2019-204ENJOY SNOW IN JAPAN!

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