att.JAPAN Issue 90

Iwate Pref. |Aomori Pref. |Fukushima Pref. |岩手縣青森縣福島縣滑雪道位於雫石王子大飯店眼前。從初學者到上級人士專用的多種滑雪道、路線應有盡有,活動也十分豐富多元。在雪上樂園中,小朋友亦能盡情感受雪的魅力。玩累了,就到雪見露天浴池放鬆一下。夜裡還舉辦搭乘夜間纜車出發的星空之旅。冰瀑意指因嚴寒而結冰的瀑布。光線灑落後便閃耀著冰藍色的冰瀑,是奧入瀨溪流冬季絕無僅有的美景。星野集團 奧入瀨溪流飯店內有冰瀑聳立的露天浴池,而且住宿者可免費參加奧入瀨溪流之旅。夜晚的點燈亦璀璨精彩。還有雪鞋健行與奧入瀨燈籠製作體驗。散居在森林中的沼澤,依地點不同,呈現出翡翠綠、鈷藍,或綠松色等讓人難以想像是由自然創造的神奇色彩。雪景映襯下的湖沼尤為絕景。冬季只能參加附帶導遊的雪鞋散步才能前往欣賞五色沼。The ski slope is right in front of Shizukuishi Prince Hotel. There are various ski slopes and activities for beginners to advanced skiers. Children can fully enjoy the charm of snow in the snow play area. When you get tired, relax in the snow-view-ing open-air bath. A starry sky tour by ropeway is also held at night.An icefall is a waterfall that is frozen by severe cold. e ice-fall that shines in ice blue when the light penetrates is a su-perb view of Oirase Keiryu Stream that can only be seen in winter. Hoshino Resort Oirase Keiryu Hotel has an open-air bath with a rising icefall, and hotel guests can join the Oirase Keiryu tour for free. Illumination at night is also overwhelm-ing. You can also experience snowshoe hiking and try your hand at making Oirase Lamps.e forest is dotted with lakes and marshes, and they show mysteri-ous colors, such as emerald green, cobalt blue, turquoise blue, etc., de-pending on the location, which makes it hard to believe they are cre-ated by nature. (“Goshiki” literally means “ve colors.”) e lakes and marshes reected in the snowy scenery are especially superb. A guided snowshoe tour is the only way to go to Goshikinuma in winter.Shizukuishi Ski ResortOirase Keiryu IcefallGoshikinuma Lakes and MarshesHokkaido雫石滑雪場奧入瀨溪流冰瀑五色沼湖沼群1113345白雪環繞的白布溫泉,前往P17。For snow-covered Shirabu Onsen, go to p. 17.12att. JAPAN 5

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