att.JAPAN Issue 90

Shiga Pref. |Nagano Pref. |Nagasaki Pref. |Kagoshima Pref. |滋賀縣長野縣長崎縣鹿兒島縣「琵琶湖觀景台」是座落於海拔標高1,100公尺高山的梯形展望露臺,可將琵琶湖的大全景盡收眼底。冬季可在露臺咖啡館一邊放鬆,一邊欣賞夢幻的雪景。「琵琶湖山谷」是關西大受歡迎的滑雪場。從粉雪區到平坦寬敞區,備有各式新手與高手皆可享受其樂的路線。不滑雪者則可在冒險樂園處玩雪。在位於海拔標高1,770公尺的SORA terrace,若條件吻合,還可欣賞雲海之美。霧冰是在冰點下的日子裡,雲霧等吹附於樹枝上的冰晶。此一夢幻美景據說是從12月起至3月初,每月平均只有12~14天得以欣賞。搭乘雲仙纜車前往欣賞吧!包下小型飛機,來場優雅的空中散步吧!在冬季覆滿白雪的霧島群山,景觀十分神祕。“Biwako Terrace” is a stepped observation terrace located on a mountain that has an altitude of 1,100 meters. You can enjoy a great panoramic view of Lake Biwa. In winter, you can enjoy a fantastic snow scene while relax-ing at a terrace cafe. “Biwako Valley” is also a popular ski resort in Kansai.From the powder zone to the at and wide zone, there are various slopes where both beginners and advanced people can enjoy skiing. Non-skiers can play in the snow at the adventure park. At the SORA terrace, which is 1,770 meters above sea level, you can see a sea of clouds if condi-tions are right.Muhyo, rime ice or powder of frost, are ice crystals that can be seen on branches and trees and are formed from sprayed clouds and fog on a day when the temperature is below zero. From December to early March, you can see this fantastic view for an average of 12 to 14 days a month. Let’s go on the Unzen ropeway and see the fabulous muhyo.How about chartering a small plane for an elegant aerial walk? In win-ter, the mountains of Kirishima are covered with snow and make for a mysterious view.Biwako Valley, Biwako TerraceRYUOO SKI PARKRime Ice in UnzenSightseeing Flight Around Kirishima琵琶湖山谷、琵琶湖觀景台龍王滑雪公園雲仙霧冰霧島遊覽飛行67896897These photos are concept imageShigaNagasakiKagoshima17YamanashiNagano©Unzen Ropewayatt. JAPAN Winter/2019-206ENJOY SNOW IN JAPAN!

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