att.JAPAN Issue 90

Snow Events in Hokkaido北海道的戲雪活動每晚將於阿寒湖冰上施放煙火。夢幻的光之裝置,聲光連動、如夢似幻的表演。還可享受利用雪打造的遊樂設施。白天將可體驗巡遊冰上的雪地摩托車、香蕉船,以及釣阿寒湖名產「西太公魚」。ere will be reworks above the ice of Lake Akan every night.A fantastic show where mysterious light objects, combining sound and light, enthrall the viewers. You can also enjoy attractions that utilize snow.You can try snowmobiles, banana boats and wakasagi (pond smelt) shing on ice in the day time.Akanko Ice Land AkanJan. 1 to Mar. 31 (schedule may change)Akanko On-ice Festival ICE/Love/Akan Winter FireworksFeb. 1 to Mar. 2Otofuke Tokachigawa Swan Festival SAIRINKA (Tokachigaoka Park)Late Jan. to late Feb.阿寒湖冰上節ICE、愛、阿寒 冬華美 2月1日~3月2日音更十勝川天鵝祭 彩凜華®(十勝丘公園) 1月下旬~2月下旬阿寒湖冰上樂園阿寒 1月1日~3月31日(暫定)©OTOFUKE TOKACHIGAWA ONSEN TOURISM ASSOCIATION在位於北海道中央位置左右的層雲峽,高約13米的冰雪展望台等大大小小約30座冰像將會點燈,非常浪漫。能品嚐日本酒的「北之冰酒場」(僅週六、週日和國定假日營業)和用冰製作而成的「冰瀑神社」也是此活動獨有的樂趣。吸引世界各地觀光客前來造訪的日本冬季一大盛典!在大通公園內約長1.5km的會場中,展示著大小不同的冰雕作品。日落後,在燈光照射下也相當漂亮,值得一看。TSUDOME會場中有由雪製成的巨大溜滑梯,以及各種與雪結合的活動,熱鬧展開。Sounkyo is located in the central part of Hokkaido. e light-up of about 30 large and small ice statues, including a 13 m high ice observatory, is very romantic. “Northern Ice Bar” where you can drink Japanese sake (open only on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) and “Ice Shrine” made of ice are unique and fun.One of the biggest and most popular winter events in Japan, and many people visit from all over the world. At Odori Park in the heart of Sapporo, which is the main site, both small and large snow sculptures are located along the 1.5-km-long park. e beautiful light up service starts from sunset time and it is a must-see. At the Tsu Dome site you can enjoy the huge snow slides and various events where you can interact with snow.Sounkyo, Kamikawa Ice Fall Festival (Kamikawa Town) Jan. 23 to Mar. 15Sapporo Snow Festival (Sapporo City)Odori and Susukino Sites: Feb. 4 to 11Tsu Dome Site: Jan. 31 to Feb. 11上川町層雲峽 冰瀑季(上川郡上川町) 1月23日~3月15日札幌雪祭(札幌市)大通會場、薄野會場 2月4日~11日TSUDOME會場 1月31日~2月11日Events heldaround Lake Akanin Hokkaido在北海道阿寒湖舉辦的活動10121113att. JAPAN 7

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