att.JAPAN Issue 90

有雪怪之稱的「樹冰」,無論是白日裡銀光閃閃的身影,或是夜裡點燈後色彩繽紛的形姿,各有不同的優美風情。在滑雪場的雪道上施放的「冬之HANABI(煙火)」亦不容錯過。巨大的雪造溜滑梯與雪中BBQ廣受歡迎,是老少咸宜的活動。2月15日將舉辦冰蠟燭節,可欣賞蠟燭浪漫的景色與煙火競演。除了雪上氣墊船、雪造溜滑梯等大人小孩均可遊玩的設施之外,也有冰蠟燭節,將可欣賞眾多燈火營造出的浪漫風景與煙火共演。從2月初至中旬,天氣相對穩定,據說有較多機會可從山中湖畔欣賞太陽沉落富士山頂時的壯麗景色──「鑽石富士」。園內設置了約200座大大小小、各式各樣的燈籠與雪雕,白雪覆蓋的天守與老松也將點燈。在約300座雪洞並排林立的蓮池周圍,將可享受奇幻的氣氛。白天在澤口會場的雪洞中烤肉(須預約),或在「湯西川水之鄉雪樂園」玩雪造長溜滑梯,夜晚則享受各個會場點燈後的夢幻雪景。e “Juhyo,” frost-covered trees that are also called snow monsters, are beautiful with dif-fering aspects from the shining white silver in the daytime to the colorful illumination at night. “HANABI in Winter” reworks launched on the ski slope is a must-see.e large snow slide and the barbecue in the snow are popular events that both adults and children can enjoy. On February 15, the Ice Candle Festival will be held and you can enjoy romantic candles and reworks displays.In addition to the attractions for adults and children, such as the snow-covered hover-craft and snow-covered slide, Ice Candle Festival will also take place in a snowy setting in which you can enjoy romantic scenery with a lot of lights and reworks.e weather is relatively stable from the beginning to the middle of February, so it is said that there are many days that you can see from the lakeside the beautiful “Diamond Fuji” when the sun sets over the top of Mount Fuji.ere are about 200 large and small lanterns and snow statues in the park and the snow-covered castle tower and old pine trees are lit up. You can enjoy a fantastic atmosphere around Hasuike pond where 300 mini kamakura (snow huts) are set up.During the daytime, you can enjoy a barbecue inside a kamakura (reservations required) at the Sawaguchi venue, or play on a long snow slide at “Yunishigawa Mizunosato Snow Park.” In the evening you can enjoy the fantastically lit-up snow scenery at each venue.Zao Juhyo Festival 2020 (Yamagata City in Yamagata Pref.)Late Dec. to late Feb.Lake Yamanaka Mount Fuji Snow Festival (Yamanakako Village in Yamanashi Pref.)Feb. 1 to 16Hirosaki Castle Snow Lantern Festival (Hirosaki Park in Aomori Pref.)Early Feb.Kamakura Festival(Yunishigawa Onsen in Tochigi Pref.)Feb. 1 to Mar. 1藏王樹冰2020(山形縣山形市) 12月下旬~2月下旬山中湖富士山雪祭(山梨縣山中湖村) 2月1日~16日弘前城雪燈籠節(青森縣弘前公園) 2月上旬雪洞祭(栃木縣湯西川溫泉) 2月1日~3月1日Snow Events in Japan日本全國的戲雪活動14161517Please see here for more information!更多資訊請見網站!웹사이트에서 확인해주세요!English中文繁体中文簡体한국어日本語 JAPAN Winter/2019-208ENJOY SNOW IN JAPAN!

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