att.JAPAN Issue 90

Enjoy the night view from Mount Tsukuba using Mt. Tsukuba Ticket, which gives you a good deal!RamenTake TSUKUBA EXPRESSto Enjoy Winter!Access: TX Tsukuba Sta. → 40 min by direct Tsukuba-san Shuttle Bus → Tsukubasan-jinja Iriguchi (Tsukuba Shrine entrance)“Tsukuba” in the name of this noodle dish consisting of “Tsu” for “tsukune (chicken meatball),” “Ku” for “kuro-yasai (black vegetables, such as shiitake mush-rooms and burdock root),” and “Ba” for “bara-niku (ribs).” This noodle dish is made entirely with local ingredients.拉麵TSU=雞肉丸子(TSUKUNE)、KU=黑色蔬菜(KUROYASAI,指香菇或牛蒡等)、BA=五花肉(BARANIKU),取以上食材第一個日文發音,組成「筑波(TSUKUBA)」這個地名,是完全選用當地食材烹調而成的烏龍麵。杉本屋交通方式:TX筑波站→筑波山直達接駁巴士40分鐘→筑波山神社入口下車Tsukuba Udon筑波(TSUKUBA)烏龍麵Access: TX Tsukuba Sta. → 60 min. by Tsuku-Bus (Hokubu Shuttle bus route) → Tsukuba-san-guchi (Mount Tsukuba entrance)is is a noodle factory and shop. e noodles are made with Tsukuba’s local flour “Yumeshiho,” and are character-ized by their chewy and smooth texture. Depending on the day, you can observe the noodle making and have a taste of noodles (payment is required). If tasting is not being oered, you can buy noodles as a souvenir and enjoy the same delicious taste at home as the one in the store.There are lots of delicious ramen shops which serve warm ramen noodles to warm up your body.選用筑波當地麵粉「夢四方」製成的麵具有口感滑順帶有嚼勁的特點。這裡不定期舉行製麵工序的參觀和試吃活動(需另付費),若是沒有碰上此活動,可以買些麵做伴手禮,回家下廚享受好味道。交通方式:TX筑波站→筑波巴士(北部接駁車)60分鐘→筑波山口下車松屋製麵所e night view from the top of Mount Tsukuba has been designated as one of the “Japan Night-view Heritages.” During the period above, the ropeway service is available during the night along with a temporary shuttle bus service. Enjoy the panoramic night view of the entire Kanto Plain.: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays until March 1 (Sun), 2020 (except for the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day) “Stardust Tsukuba”從筑波山山頂放眼望去的夜景,被評選為「日本夜景遺產」。在這段期間中,空中纜車將開放夜間營運,接駁巴士也會臨時加開班次。請充分享受能將關東平原盡收眼底的燦爛夜景。: 到2020年3月1日(日)為止的週六、週日及國定假日(除夕及元旦除外) 「筑波星雲巡航」Recommended Matsuya Seimenjo RecommendedTsukuba-san Hotel AokiyaRecommendedSugimoto-yaVaries depending on the departure station. (for example, from Akihabara Station, 4,380 yen for adults and 2,220 yen for children) Valid for 2 days*For details, please ask sta at the counter in one of the Tsukuba Express stations.Tsukubasan-jinja iriguchi (Mt. Tsukuba Information Center)DepartureStation(the ticket is purchased)Miyawaki Cable Car StationNyotaisan StationRopewayabout 6 min.about 3 min. on footDirect Tsukubasan Shuttle Busabout 14 min.Direct Tsukubasan Shuttle Busabout 29 min.Tsuku Bus (Hokubu Shuttle)Tsukuba Expressabout 7 min.about 11 min.about 20 min.about 29 min.Cable Carabout 8 min.about 15 min. on footMt. TsukubaSummit of Nantaisan871mSummit of Nyotaisan877mTsutsujigaoka Ropeway StationOho Madoguchi CenterTsukubaKoryu CenterTX TsukubaStation (Tsukuba Center)Tsukubasan guchiNumata根據不同出發車站,費用也有所不同(例,從秋葉原站:成人4,380 日圓,兒童2,220 日圓)有效期間 2 天期間※關於詳細資訊,請向筑波快線的車站窗口洽詢Mt. Tsukuba Ticket筑波山優惠票Tsukubasancho StationTicket Price費用筑波山女體山男體山在筑波山附近,有許多能夠溫暖身心的美味拉麵店。Onsen are the best way to heal your tired body. As onsen water around Mount Tsukuba is mild alkaline containing lots of minerals, it is popularly called “water for beautiful skin.”Onsen日本百大名山之一「筑波山」(標高:女體山877m、男體山871m),位於東京近郊,從秋葉原搭乘電車及巴士約需1小時30分鐘車程,由於筑波山是百大名山中最矮的一座山,遊客能輕鬆享受當日往返的登山樂趣。而在下山後,值得期待的寒冬樂趣更是五花八門。搭乘TSUKUBA EXPRESS,盡享冬季吧!溫泉筑波山飯店青木屋利用筑波山套票享優惠,飽覽璀璨夜景吧!One of the 100 Famous Mountains of Japan, Mount Tsukuba, comprising the double peaks of Mount Nyotai (877 meters) and Mount Nantai (871 meters), is a per-fect place for your day-trip hiking, since it is located only about one and a half hours away from Akihabara by train and bus and it is the lowest mountain among the 100 Famous Mountains. After coming down the mountain, you can still have lots of fun, especially in the cold winter.溫泉是療癒疲憊身心的最佳選擇。筑波山附近的溫泉為鹼性單純泉質,富含許多礦物質成分,被譽為美膚溫泉。©2019 Hotel Aokiya透過景觀露天浴池或觀景公共浴場向外眺望,可將遼闊的關東平原一覽無遺,盡情享受夕陽映照下的富士山等絕美景色。From the open-air bath and the large bath, you can see the extensive Kanto Plain and enjoy great views, such as Mount Fuji standing out against the sunset.交通方式:TX筑波站→筑波山接駁巴士40分鐘→筑波山神社入口下車營業時間:12:00~ 15:00(最後受理時間)費用:1,100日圓(當日往返入浴)Access: TX Tsukuba Sta. → 40 min. by Tsukuba-san Shuttle Bus → Tsukubasan-jinja Iriguchi (Tsukuba Shrine entrance)Business hours: 12:00-15:00 (last admission)Fee: 1,100 yen (onsen only, no ac-commodation included)att. JAPAN 9

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