
Tokyo presents various as-pects, from clusters of high-rise buildings to shrines and to parks lled with trees. If you are interested in the lives of the local people living in Tokyo, take a train and get off at Koiwa Station or Shin-Koiwa Station. You will be able to en-joy a glimpse of the bustling and friendly lives of ordinary people living in Tokyo.在東京,你不但看得到高樓大廈群,也有寺廟神社,更有公園裡綠草如茵的萬種風情,但如果想深入了解道地東京人的生活,請在小岩或是新小岩車站下車。在那裡,你可以一窺東京庶民熱鬧又有溫情的生活方式。Koiwa / Shin-KoiwaSento (public bathhouses)公共澡堂小岩這裡也有許多長年受到當地人喜愛的公共澡堂。「友之湯」是率先使用目前已很普遍的軟水的公共澡堂,值得一看的是大廳的鐵軌!據說是為了讓客人們開心,才特地放置的。造訪時,也可以和堪稱鎮店之寶的貓咪們玩耍喔。is area has many sento that have been loved by lo-cal people for many long years. “Tomono-yu” was a pioneer sento innovating baths lled with soft water, which is now commonly used, and what is worthy of attention are the miniature railroads in the lobby! e miniature railroads were created with the intention to entertain the customers. When you visit this place, you can play with the cute kanban neko, or mascot cats, wel-coming customers at the front desk!要說當地的休憩場所,就非公園莫屬了。新小岩有「西新小岩5丁目公園」(暱稱:萌趣趣公園)。一手打造出受到全世界喜愛「萌趣趣」的株式會社Sekiguchi就在這裡,可愛的萌趣趣設計,在公園中也隨處可見。新小岩站及車站周邊,也看得到其他萌趣趣裝飾,以及以萌趣趣設計的人孔蓋。Parks are the places where the local people visit to take a break, relax, and feel refreshed. Shin-Koiwa has “Nishi Shin-Koiwa 5-chome Park,” (nick-name: Monchhichi Park). e nickname comes from “Monchhichi,” a character loved around the world created by Sekiguchi Corporation that is located in this area. e park has lots of cute Monchhichi designs. e area around Shin-Koiwa Station has other Monchhichi-based decorations and Monchhichi-designed manholes. 盡情享受更深入的東京生活Parks公園新小岩Tokyo Sta.東京站Shin-Koiwa Sta.新小岩站Koiwa Sta.小岩站Akihabara Sta.秋葉原站JR Sobu Line rapid (15 min) JR Sobu Line local (3 min) JR Sobu Line local (13 min) JR總武線快速(15分鐘)JR總武線各站停車(3分鐘)JR總武線各站停車(13分鐘)Fully enjoy Tokyo the way the locals doatt. JAPAN Spring/202010TOKYO | KOIWA / SHIN-KOIWA

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