
Please see here for more information!更多資訊請見網站!웹사이트에서 확인해주세요!English中文繁体中文簡体한국어日本語小岩站、新小岩站周邊有好幾條商店街,每條都熱鬧非凡,相當於當地庶民的廚房。長年受到當地人熱愛的小岩站前「ower road 商店街」,就有140家店面相連,還有不但能買到美味熟食,也有咖啡廳的「​LUMIERE商店街」。小岩站前的「昭和大道商店街」更有著令人歎為觀止的景點。有超過6,000支手機,排滿了整面牆、通稱「非智慧型普通手機(日本獨特規格)牆」。據說,那面手機牆是因為創業至今已超過80年以上的「wataden」店主,捨不得把用過的手機丟掉,而把它們裝飾在牆上,才形成這片驚人的景象。白天是因家庭主婦和學生熱鬧非凡的商店街,晚上會搖身一變,展現與白天不同風情。特別是小岩站前的「Sun Road商店街」、「地藏路商店街」中有許多居酒屋,晚上有許多上班族來這裡放鬆。如果您真的喜歡邊走邊喝,到這裡,應該會覺得來到了天堂吧。Around Koiwa and Shin-Koiwa stations, there are several shotengai (shopping street), serving as a kitchen for people, including “Flower Road Shotengai,” which has long been a fovorite of lo-cal people, in front of Koiwa Station, and “Lumiere Shotengai,” in front of Shin-Koiwa Station, which is lined with about 140 shops and stores, including delicious delis and cafés. Among them, “Showa-dori Shotengai” in front of Koiwa Station has a surprising spot called “garake wall,” a wall entirely decorated with over 6,000 mobile or feature phones. is wall was created by the owner of “Wataden,” an electronics store with a history of over 80 years in business, who was so attached to old mobile or feature phones that he couldn’t dispose of them and started putting them up on the wall.ese shopping streets, which are busy with house-wives and students during daytime, may show dier-ent faces at night. In particular, “Sun Road Shotengai” and “Jizo-dori Shotengai,” in front of Koiwa Station, have lots of pubs, where many workers visit to relax af-ter work at night. If you like drinking, especially of the “pub crawling” type, these places could be your paradise.善養寺有棵「影向之松」,據說枝葉覆蓋的面積居全日本之冠,莊嚴且具有魄力,是相當受到矚目的能量景點。在這樹齡600年以上、被指定為國家天然記念物的黑松上,應該也能感受到生命力,以及當地人受到它保佑的那份情感吧。Zenyo-ji Temple has a “yogo no Matsu” pine tree, which is said to have the largest area of fo-liage overgrowth in Japan. e majestic, power-ful appearance of the tree draws attention as a “power spot” – a location thought to be ow-ing with mystical energy. Designated a Japanese Natural Monument, the Japanese black pine tree of over 600 years of age will allow you to feel the life force of the tree as well as the thoughts and passion of the local people who have long continued protecting it.Power Spot能量景點Days & Nights at Shotengai Shopping Streets商店街 白天&晚上©Sekiguchiatt. JAPAN 11

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