
Asagaya Shinmeigu Shrine阿佐谷神明宮A shrine with a history of over 200 years. It offers popular colorful good-luck charms, called “kan-musubi,” with unique lacy designs.擁有超過200年歷史的神社。色彩繽紛且設計宛如緞帶般的護身符──「神結」廣受喜愛。Asagaya Pearl Center Shopping StreetAn arcaded shopping street stretching 700 meters lined with about 250 shops and stores, lled with the lived-in feeling of lo-cal people.長700公尺,多達250家商店林立,洋溢生活感的拱廊商店街。Tokyo Polytechnic University Suginami Animation Museum東京工藝大學 杉並動畫博物館大田黑公園The rst museum in Japan that deals with every area of anime. If you want to experi-ence Japan’s “anime” pop-culture for free, this is the place for you.日本首座展示各種動畫的博物館。如果想免費體驗日本的流行文化──「動畫」,非此地莫屬!!Inazuma CafeA cafe restaurant with lots of illustrative drawings from manga on white walls. It also oers a popular “latte art.”白牆上畫著許多漫畫插圖的咖啡餐館。拿鐵拉花也很受歡迎。 10 am – 6 pm (entry until 5:30 pm) Mondays (If holiday Monday, the following day will be closed) *Irregularly closed 10 am – 10 pm (L.O. 21:30) irregularlyRakuda駱駝At this shop selling antique glass, lamps, and furniture, you can appreciate “wa (Japanese style).” 銷售古董玻璃、燈具、家具等,可感受「和」之美好的商店。Nishi-ogikuboACCESS Suginami City7 min. 2 min. 2 min.3 min.NishiOgikuboSta.西荻窪站AsagayaSta.阿佐谷站KoenjiSta.高圓寺站杉並區Limousine bus 35 min.機場巴士Narita Express 85 min.成田特快ShinjukuSta.新宿站HANEDAAIRPORT羽田機場NARITAAIRPORT成田機場荻窪站Sta.OgikuboIf you are interested in antiques and curios and sundry goods…如果想四處欣賞古董、雜貨If you are into Japanese anime and manga…如果喜歡日本的動漫Northwest-antiquesThis shop oers a wide variety of retro fur-niture, antiques, and other items, both Japanese and Western.店內擺放了日式與西式復古家具、雜貨、古董等,商品種類豐富。 12 pm – 7 pm Wednesdays 11 am – 6 pm WednesdaysIf you want to experience Japanese tradition and daily life of Japanese people…如果想品味日本的傳統與日常REVERIE EMPORIUMA peculiar space recreating a world just like one in a movie. It is a select shop selling clothes, goods, and items all only available here.模擬電影般的世界觀打造的空間。銷售此處絕無僅有的服裝、雜貨的精選商店。SLUTOers a wide range of cool, casual old cloth-ing, including T-shirts and sneakers.蒐羅了豐富的T恤、運動鞋等休閒又時尚的二手衣。 1 pm – 9 pm on weekdays, 12 pm – 10 pm on weekends Tuesdays 12:30 pm – 8:30 pm open everydayIf you love shopping for vintage items and old clothing…如果想購買古物或二手衣Explore like a Tokyoite!像在地人一樣探索!東京杉並街道漫步BoiteOtaguro ParkKoenji Hikawa-jinja ShrineFor details, see the page 10 of att.ANIME!詳細內容請見att.ANIME 第10頁!CHIMOTO總本店Chimoto Sohonten 11 am – 7 pm (L.O. 6:30 pm) irregularly高圓寺冰川神社The only meteorological shrine in Japan!日本唯一的氣象神社!Famous for kakigori shaved ice made with rare natural ice topped with matcha-a-vored syrup使用稀有的天然冰製作的抹茶口味剉冰聞名遐邇Walk amid the lush greenery of a Japanese garden!漫步綠意盎然的日本庭園! 11 am – 8 pm TuesdaysA store selling French items and goods, reflecting the owner’s passion.滿載店主精選的法式雜貨店西荻窪Ogikubo荻 窪Koenji高圓寺Asagaya阿佐谷阿佐谷珍珠中央商店街7 min from Shinjuku!Please see here for more information!更多資訊請見網站!中文EnglishFor more sightseeing spots in Suginami更多杉并區的觀光景點att. JAPAN Spring/202012

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