
Varies depending on the departure station (for example, from Akihabara Station, the cost is 4,380 yen for adults and 2,220 yen for children.) Valid for 2 days*For details, please ask sta at the counter in one of the Tsukuba Express stations.Tsukubasan-jinja iriguchi (Mt. Tsukuba Information Center)DepartureStationWhere the ticket is purchasedMiyawaki Cable Car StationNyotaisan StationRopewayabout 6 min.about 3 min. on footDirect Tsukubasan Shuttle Busabout 14 min.Direct Tsukubasan Shuttle Busabout 29 min.Tsuku Bus (Hokubu Shuttle)Tsukuba Expressabout 7 min.about 11 min.about 20 min.about 29 min.Cable Carabout 8 min.about 15 min. on footMt. TsukubaSummit of Nantaisan871mSummit of Nyotaisan877mTsutsujigaoka Ropeway StationOho Madoguchi CenterTsukubaKoryu CenterTX TsukubaStation (Tsukuba Center)Tsukubasan guchiNumata根據不同出發車站,費用也有所不同(例,從秋葉原站:成人4,380 日圓,兒童2,220 日圓)有效期間 2 天期間※關於詳細資訊,請向筑波快線的車站窗口洽詢Mt. TsukubaTicket筑波山優惠票Tsukubasancho StationTicket Price費用筑波山女體山男體山Mt. Tsukuba in springtime is all ablush with the colors of cherry blossoms as well as a myriad of other ora. But that’s hardly all. There are many more famous cherry blossom spots well worth seeing on the Tsukuba Express (TX) Line.一進入春季,由櫻花打頭陣,筑波山將會換上一襲由百花編織而成的新衣。此外,筑波快線(TX)沿線也有許多賞花名勝!搭乘筑波快線,來趟賞櫻之旅吧!Fukuoka Dam boasts its place among the “100 Best Tourism Spots” in Ibaraki Prefecture and is famous as a cherry blossom viewing place. e owers of the 600 Somei Yoshino cherry trees, a particularly pretty variety, reect spectacularly on the river parallel to the 1.8 km long promenade.Best time : Early April (Coinciding with the Fukuoka Dam Cherry Blossom Festival)Access: Free shuttle service is available during the Cherry Blossom Festival from Miraidaira Sta. Or a 39 min walk from the TX Midorino Sta. (Bus service available part way)福岡堰是名列「茨城觀光100選」的賞櫻名勝。沿岸步道種植了長達1.8公里、共600棵染井吉野櫻,與水面相映成趣,十分壯觀。最佳觀賞時期:4月上旬(同時會舉辦「福岡堰櫻花祭」) 交通方式:櫻花祭期間內,會場⇔未來平站之間有接駁巴士可搭乘或從TX綠野站下車後,步行約39分鐘(某些路段有巴士) A delightful characteristic of the Kawazu-zakura is that it blooms earlier than the Somei Yoshino and lasts decidedly longer. ese blossoming trees line the banks of the Sumida River in Shioiri Park. You’ll want to capture the memory of your visit with a photo of the TOKYO SKYTREE enframed by the boughs of cherry trees.Best time : Early March Access : 12 min walk from TX Minami-Senju Sta.河津櫻最大的特徵是開花比染井吉野櫻早,花期更長。在汐入公園,河津櫻沿著隅田川盛開,這裡也是能拍到晴空塔聳立於櫻花中的絕佳景點。位於東京近郊,日本百大名山標高最低的筑波山,從秋葉原搭乘電車或巴士僅1小時30分就可抵達,在此能夠欣賞到色彩繽紛的山區花朵。約有3,000株杜鵑遍佈全山,也能看到多達3萬株一叢叢野生的豬牙花。不妨隨性規劃一趟春遊,到此尋芳吧?前往筑波山,購買「筑波山優惠票」既便利又划算。最佳觀賞時期:3月上旬 交通方式:TX南千住站下車後,步行約12分鐘可抵達Casually meeting spring on Mt. TsukubaMt. Tsukuba is relatively close to Tokyo, a convenient 1.5 hours away by train and bus. Vibrant o-rals bloom in wild abandon on this mountain, the lowest of “Japan’s 100 Most Famous Mountains.” 3,000 azalea shrubs dot the terrain and 30,000 fawn lilies, which are precious to be seen in nature, spread out in drifts. How about going for a casual hike just to see all the owers?You can take advantage of a convenient “Mt. Tsukuba Ticket” discount ticket.筑波山~能夠隨性造訪的春之山~Visit our website for many more ower viewing sites.還有更多賞花名勝!詳情請參閱網站!Mirrored reections on the Fukuoka Dam福岡堰~倒映在水中的壯觀櫻花~Early blooming Kawazu-zakura in Shioiri Park along the Sumida River汐入公園~隅田川沿岸盛開的早櫻「河津櫻」~Late March to early April3月下旬~4月上旬Early April (near the peak)4月上旬(山頂附近)Late April (at around 300m), mid-May (near the peak)4月下旬(標高300公尺附近)、5月中旬(山頂付近)、Mid-April4月中旬Cherry blossoms櫻花Anemones鵝掌草Fawn lilies豬牙花Azaleas杜鵑最佳觀賞時期Best times搭乘筑波快線,來趟賞櫻之旅吧!Tokyo Metropolitan Park AssociationEnglish中文繁体

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