
櫻桃小丸子樂園치비마루코짱 랜드Chibi Maruko-chan Land원작자 사쿠라 모모코의 출신지인 시즈오카현 시즈오카시에 있는 박물관으로 사쿠라의 집, 학교, 공원 등, 마루코가 살고 있는 장소를 현실감 있게 재현하고 있다. 대여 의상을 입고 애니메이션의 캐릭터가 되어 사진 촬영도 할 수 있다.A museum located in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, the birthplace of the author of “Chibi Maruko-chan,” Sakura Momoko. e Sakura family’s house, school, parks and other places related to Maruko-chan are realistically re-creat-ed. You can wear a rental costume and take pictures as you pretend to be one of the anime characters. 位於原作者櫻桃子的故鄉靜岡縣靜岡市的博物館。真實重現小丸子的家、學校、公園等小丸子生活的場景。還可以借穿卡通人物的衣服,化身為角色人物並照相紀念。 静岡県静岡市清水区入船町13-15 エスパルスドリームプラザ 3階S-PULSE DREAM PLAZA 3F, 13-15 Irifune Town, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka 10:00-20:00 (Admission until 19:30) Open 365 days Adult (over 13 year-old) 600 yen, Child (over 3 year-old) 400 yen *Free admission for children under 2 year-old(The entrance fee may be subject to change in case of renovation of the venue or other events)More information → 10點~20點(入館至19點30分為止) 全年無休 大人(國中生以上)600日圓,小孩(3歲以上)400日圓 ※2歲以下免費。(可能因商店改裝等致使入場費更改)詳情請至官網確認 10:00~20:00 (입장은 19:30까지) 무휴 어른 (중학생 이상) 600엔어린이 (3세 이상) 400엔 ※2세 이하는 무료(점포 개장 등에 따라 입장료가 변경되는 경우도 있음)상세사항은 홈페이지에서 확인하세요.추천 명소&이벤트 推薦景點&活動Spots EventsRecommended&inJAPANTake time to appreciate   the masterpieces up closeTake time to appreciate   the masterpieces up closee museum has a permanent exhibition of ukiyo-e woodblock printsfrom the Edo period, including masterpieces by Katsushika Hokusaiand Utagawa Hiroshige. You can also drop by only the museum shop with its large collection of ukiyo-e goods and items.e museum has a permanent exhibition of ukiyo-e woodblock printsfrom the Edo period, including masterpieces by Katsushika Hokusaiand Utagawa Hiroshige. You can also drop by only the museum shop with its large collection of ukiyo-e goods and items.常設展出以葛飾北齋、歌川廣重等人作品為主的江戶時代浮世繪版畫。不觀看展覽,也可隨時光臨浮世繪商品種類豐富的博物館商店。常設展出以葛飾北齋、歌川廣重等人作品為主的江戶時代浮世繪版畫。不觀看展覽,也可隨時光臨浮世繪商品種類豐富的博物館商店。知名畫作,  近在眼前知名畫作,  近在眼前Fujiya Shinsaibashi Bldg., 3F, 2-2-23 Shinsaibashi-suji, Chuo-ku, Osaka City TEL: 06-4256-131110:00-19:30 (Admission until 19:00)Closed: Jan. 1 / 1月1日休館Fee: Adult 1,000 yen / 成人1,000日圓5-min walk from Shinsaibashi Sta. on Osaka Metro從大阪地下鐵「心齋橋」步行5分鐘att. ANIME 202018

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