Takasaki Sta.Maebashi Sta.Kiryu Sta.Joshu-Tomioka Sta.Nakanojo Sta.Minakami Sta.Experience history and culture!體驗歷史與文化!45786群馬絲綢產業的歷史傲視全球。觸摸、感受,並學習傳承至今的織品文化吧!e history of world-class silk industry in Gunma. Touch and feel Gunma’s textile culture heritage, which is still being prac-ticed until today.1872年建設為官營的製絲廠,並以製絲產業最尖端之姿,115年來支撐著日本的養蠶、製絲業。富岡製絲廠和絲綢產業遺產群身為傳揚貴重歷史與文化的遺產,已於2014年登記為世界遺產。可一邊聆聽語音導覽,一邊參觀廠內支援英文、中文、韓文、法文2020年3月27日開幕的展覽設施。透過以大型螢幕播放導覽VR影片、面板展覽、使用影片的展覽等方式,無論是初訪此處或渴望深度了解的來賓,均能樂在其中並深化理解。以織品產地聞名的桐生市的特產品。紡織方式的技法共有7種,製作包含真絲在內,活用了各式各樣素材的紡織品。在保留了眾多歷史性建築的桐生小鎮上,不妨穿上和服散步吧!(每星期六實施,需預約)Constructed as a government-operated silk mill in 1872, this facil-ity supported Japan’s sericulture and silk-reeling industry for 115 years as a cutting-edge pioneer in the silk-reeling industry. As a heri-tage site with precious history and culture, Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites was registered on the World Heritage List in 2014.Audio guide is available in English, Chinese, Korean, and French during your visit.An exhibition facility scheduled to be open on March 27, 2020. Various kinds of exhibitions, including a VR guide video on a large screen, panels, and other videos, will allow a range of people —from rst-time visitors to those who want to know more— to enhance their understanding of raw silk while having fun.A specialty product of Kiryu City, a famous textile-producing region. ere are seven weaving techniques to create Kiryu textiles using vari-ous materials such as silk.Would you like to take a stroll around Kiryu, a town with many historical buildings, dressed in kimono?(e service is oered every Saturday. Reservation is required)富岡製絲廠67Tomioka Silk Mill桐生織8Kiryu TextileWorld Heritage Visitor Center, Gunma“SEKAITO”群馬縣立世界遺產中心 “生絲的力量來改變世界” 研究所画像提供:富岡市“Enjoy strolling in kimono!”Kiryu Orihime Club「穿著和服享受漫步城鎮的樂趣吧!」桐生織姬俱樂部9:00〜17:00(最後入場16:30)9:00–17:00 (16:30 for last entry)受理9:00〜12:00(16:00前歸還)9:00–12:00 (for rental), Rental items should be returned by 16:00.桐生市巴町2-1810-17 山本和服學院Yamamoto Kimono Gakuin (Tomoe-cho 2-1810-17, Kiryu City)9:00–17:00成人1,000日圓1,000 yen for adults3,500日圓(含租借與穿著)3,500 yen (including rental and dressing fees)200日圓200 yen免費Free1 min.Joshin LineJoshu-Tomioka Sta.JR Ryomo LineKiryu Sta.3 min.Tomioka IC10 min.15 min.Joshin LineJoshu-Tomioka Sta. (Silk Powered Innovation Incubator)att. JAPAN 7
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