
一大片花海,令人怦然心動!春天有鬱金香、夏天有向日葵、秋天有天竺牡丹等,不同季節都有不同的鮮花盛開。 (門票:1,000日圓)在青山綠水的峽谷中放鬆身心。可以搭乘遊覽船或者划著獨木舟在神龍湖上欣賞美景。峽谷兩岸的斷壁奇岩、溪流的侵蝕作用形成的天然橋「雄橋」等看點多多。 1 hour by car from Onomichi Sta.尾道站出發開車約1小時自駕遊享盡自然風光!Sera Kogen FarmBe prepared to be overwhelmed by elds covered with beautifully blos-soming owers. You can enjoy dierent owers in dierent seasons, such as tulips in spring, sunowers in summer, and dahlias in autumn.(Ticket: 1,000 yen)世羅高原農場Taishakukyo GorgeRelax at a verdant gorge. Take a tour boat or kayak to enjoy the won-derful view of the gorge from Lake Shinryu. ere is lots to see, such as steep clis and strange-shaped rocks on both sides of the gorge and “Onbashi,” a natural bridge formed by the erosion of a mountain stream.帝釋峽Drive and feel nature!1 hour by car from Sera Kogen Highlands世羅高原農場出發開車約1小時推薦尋找廣島縣的伴手禮,廣島車站的ekie是不錯的選擇!這裡不僅有伴手禮專賣區,還有種類多樣的餐飲店。在這裡可以買到廣島縣和瀨戶內地區的特產,有名的楓葉饅頭,有不同品牌可以比較,還有檸檬、牡蠣相關商品,琳瑯滿目。在餐飲區可以品嘗到廣島特色美食御好燒、使用當地食材的鄉土料理、海鮮料理等,等你來挑選!另外還有多家甜品店,每一款甜品都讓人垂涎欲滴!Souvenirs and specialty foodRecommendedIf you want to nd great souvenirs from Hiroshima, “ekie” at Hiroshima Station is the place to go. ekie has a souvenir area, with specialties from Hiroshima Prefecture and the Setouchi region. Famous Momiji Manju is available from various manufacturers and you can compare them at this place. ere are various products made with lemons and oysters. At a dining area, you can enjoy vari-ous kinds of delicious dishes, including Hiroshima’s specialty okonomiyaki, local dishes with lo-cal ingredients, and seafood dishes. ere are also many places serving desserts. You can nd lots of beautiful and delicious sweets!伴手禮+美食Please see here for more information!網站有更多資訊喔!웹사이트에서 확인해주세요!English中文繁體中文简体한국어日本語 JAPAN 11

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