1984年廢棄的舊國鐵日中線遺跡的一部分。在長約3公里的遊步道上,約1,000棵枝垂櫻絢麗盛綻,宛如淡紅色的花瓣雨傾注而下。中間地點還展出曾實際馳騁於日中線的蒸汽火車。此處周圍是人潮熙攘的拍照景點,其北側則是遊客較少的秘密景點。請走到遊步道的盡頭看看吧。花季期間十分擁擠,建議搭乘大眾交通工具前往。從JR喜多方站步行約5分鐘,即為遊步道的開端。這是推測樹齡超過千年的巨木,高達13.5公尺,與山梨縣的山高神代櫻、岐阜縣的根尾谷淡墨櫻並列為「日本三大櫻花」。向四方延展的樹枝上,滿滿的枝垂櫻一旦盛開,即宛如真正的瀑布奔流一般,震撼力驚人。三春町是知名的櫻花之城,除了這棵瀧櫻之外,町內還有眾多櫻花名勝。盛開時期車輛絡繹不絕,道路與停車場十分擁擠,因此建議從JR三春站搭乘計程車巡訪。Blossoms on about 1,000 weeping cherry trees along a walking path for about 3 km bloom brilliantly, creating a beautiful view of a faint pink shower. is area used to be part of the old railroad, the Nitchu Line, which was closed in 1984. Midway along the path, a steam locomotive is displayed, which used to run on the Nitchu Line. is area around the steam locomotive is popular as a photo-taking spot, and a lesser-known but great spot is on the north side. We highly recommend you take the time to walk to the end of the path. As it is very crowded during the cherry blossom season, you may want to use public transportation. e beginning of the walking path can be reached in about 5 minutes from JR Kitakata Station.日中線的枝垂櫻林道三春之瀧櫻福 島1Fukushima福 島3FukushimaWeeping cherry trees of the Nitchu LineMiharu no TakizakuraPeak season 最佳觀賞時期 mid-April to late April / 4月中旬~下旬Peak season 最佳觀賞時期 mid-April to late April / 4月中旬~下旬推薦東北地區的 賞 景點推薦東北地區的 賞 景點推薦東北地區的 賞 景點推薦東北地區的 賞 景點櫻櫻下一次旅行,你想去哪裡看櫻花呢?跑遍了全日本的att.JAPAN編輯部向大家介紹我們推薦的賞櫻景點!att. JAPAN Winter/2020–2112CHERRY BLOSSOMS
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