騎自行車兜風是近年來在全球人氣高漲的活動。日本國內備有許多人人皆可愉快騎行的路線,從專業的自行車騎士到初學者都能樂在其中。這次向各位介紹日本具有代表性的路線!說到日本自行車兜風的景點,絕對不能錯過「島波海道」。此處曾被美國CNN遴選為「全球最佳7大自行車兜風路線」之一,去年並曾代表日本,以傲視全球的自行車兜風路線之姿,首次被日本列為國家自行車路線。在經由瀨戶內海群島,並以八座橋梁與渡船串聯本州與四國,全長約70公里的自行車路線中,可一邊欣賞海洋與諸島所交織而成的優美風景和海風,一邊奔馳前行。如果是資深騎士,1天即可騎行完畢;不過,推薦花費2天以上的時間悠閒體驗兜風樂趣。As one of the greatest and most famous cycling spots in Japan, Shimanami Kaido has been chosen as one of the “seven best bike routes in the world” by CNN, and was also designated as one of the rst three National Cycle Routes last year for being a cycling route that represents Japan and that can be boasted to the world. Connecting the main island and Shikoku island via the islands of the Seto Inland Sea with eight bridges and a ferry, this cycling route oers you an opportunity to cycle while enjoy-ing beautiful landscapes with the ocean, islands, as well as a nice sea breeze. Advanced cyclists can complete the route in one day; however, most people will take the time to complete in two days or more.Cycling is one of the most popular leisure activities in the world!ere are many cycling routes that cater for all levels, from serious cyclists to beginners. Among them, here are two of Japan’s greatest cycling routes!IwakuniintaikyorportIwakuniintaikyorportsanKure PortKure PortMukaishima向島Mukaishima向島Innoshima因島Innoshima因島Ikuchijima生口島Ikuchijima生口島Omishima大三島Omishima大三島Hakatajima伯方島Hakatajima伯方島Oshima大島Oshima大島Imabari City, Ehime Pref.愛媛縣 今治市Onomichi City, Hiroshima Pref.廣島縣 尾道市Shin-Onomichi Sta.新尾道站Onomichi BridgeInnoshima BridgeIkuchiBridgeKurishima-KaikyoBridgeHakata-OshimaBridgeOmishima BridgeTataraBridgeFerryOsaka大阪→←Hiroshima 廣島NSeto Inland Sea 瀨戶內海Sanyo ShinkansenTokyo東京Osaka大阪Shimanami KaidoHiroshima廣島島波海道感受習習涼風吧!Feel a Ni Breeze!Cying in Shimanami Kaidoinatt. JAPAN Winter/2020–2114CYCLING IN JAPAN
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