SUMIDA RIVER WALKough TOKYO SKYTREE℠ was not so easily ac-cessible from Asakusa as you would imagine, this is no longer the case after a dream bridge connecting these signature Tokyo spots opened this summer! e shortest walking route connecting Asakusa and TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN, this pedestrian bridge is one of Japan’s few bridges that run along a railway. is convenient bridge’s elaborate features include a section of glass ooring as well as the SKYTREE’s ocial mascot Sorakara-chan, hidden in two spots. Recognized as a “lover’s sanctuary,” this new land-mark bridge is a prefect date spot. 淺草與東京晴空塔®的距離似近實遠,而讓這兩個區域的來往更為便捷的夢幻橋梁,在今年夏天閃亮問世了!SUMIDA RIVER WALK是在國內罕見的鐵路橋邊架設步道橋,並且是淺草連接東京晴空塔城℠的最短路線。在步道橋上,設有玻璃地面,還有2處藏有東京晴空塔官方吉祥物「SORAKARA醬」。此外,這裡也被認定為情侶聖地,是向大家必推的約會景點。 2 min walk from Asakusa Sta. (Subway, Tobu) 淺草站(地鐵、東武)步行2分鐘2020年,東京晴空塔®所在的墨田地區又有新景點誕生囉!SUMIDA RIVER WALK與TOKYO mizumachi於今夏開幕,墨田水族館也全面翻新開張!我們將為大家介紹這些話題景點的遊玩攻略,以及東京晴空塔®的絕美拍照地點!Known as home to TOKYO SKYTREE℠, Sumida now features some new must-see attrac-tions that opened in 2020. e list of these trending spots includes Sumida River Walk and Tokyo Mizumachi, which were newly opened earlier this year as well as Sumida Aquarium, which reopened after renovations. Below you will nd some tips to maximize the fun in these attractions as well as some picture-perfect spots of the TOKYO SKYTREE℠ area!可在戶外露臺悠閒享受BBQ、籃裝雞肉、可麗餅等美食,還有10種熟食可供外帶。在眼前的隅田公園體驗野餐樂趣也是不錯的選擇。東京的人氣店家打造的新店鋪。招牌是用大量奶油製作的奢華吐司麵包,還可品嘗外脆內軟的法式吐司,以及色彩繽紛又餡料豐富的三明治。由墨田區當地大受歡迎的日式點心店所經營的甜點店。店內可品嘗白湯圓聖代、餡蜜等,銅鑼燒與大福也可外帶喔!推薦的美食店家TOKYO mizumachiLAND_AIchiyaWalking across Sumida River Walk from Asakusa to TOKYO SKYTREE℠, you’ll find TOKYO mizumachi, a newly opened complex combining commercial facilities and hotels that stretches under the elevated railway. Featuring new types of businesses and rst Japan stores of international chains, this urban complex is naturally this year’s new buzzing attraction.Stop by empty-handed for BBQ in an open terrace, or pick your favorites from the takeout menu including chicken in a basket, authentic savory crepes and 10 types of ready-to-eat foods that are always available – a picnic in Sumida Park just across the street would cer-tainly make your day.Newly opened by a popular Tokyo chain, MŪYA boasts luxurious butter-rich bread. is Tokyo bakery serves French toast that’s crispy on the outside and moist inside as well as colorful sandwiches with plenty of ingredients. A traditional Japanese cafe run by a popular Japanese dessert shop in Sumida City, this dine-in cafe serves sundaes topped with shiratama mochi dumplings as well as anmitsu (traditional Japanese dessert featur-ing sweet red beans and jelly cubes). Ichiya’s special dorayaki (sweet red bean lling between two slices of pancakes) and daifuku (a small round of mochi stued with sweet lling) are available for takeout.從淺草沿著SUMIDA RIVER WALK向東京晴空塔®方向前進,在鐵路高架橋下,結合了商店與住宿的複合設施 ──TOKYO mizumachi歡慶開幕!這裡聚集了日本初亮相的商店與新業態的店家,是今年萬眾矚目的地標。墨田地區景點新New Must-see Attractions in Neighborhoods in Sumida, TokyoMUYAatt. JAPAN Winter/2020–2116TOKYO
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