
The new sensations of two innovative sh tanks in the jellysh areaFeed your curiosity in Aquaspace by observing aquarists’ work up close兩大新視覺享受的「水母區」越了解越有趣!可近距離觀賞飼養過程的「Aqua Base」Penguins’ feeding times!觀察企鵝的用餐時間About twice larger than its previous size, the new jellysh area features Big Schale, one of Japan’s biggest sh tanks that is seven meters in diameter. An oval-shaped basin, this open-top sh tank oers a sensational experience of direct-ly observing about 500 moon jellysh that are fantastically illuminated with blue, green and red lights. Another interesting feature of the jellysh area is the drum-shaped continuum of three fish tanks. Learning about dierences among the three types of jellysh vary-ing in color, pattern and move will make your visit a ful-lling experience.Aquaspace consists of the kitchen and the lab: while the for-mer obviously plays an essential role in preparing foods for these living creatures, the latter will allow you to learn how aquarists take care of jellysh as well as these marine animals’ reproduction process. Observing aquarists’ behind-the-scenes work will certainly boost your interest in living things. In the penguin pool of Sumida Aquarium, you can enjoy a close-up view of 48 penguins’ feeding time three times a day. You’ll nd that each pen-guin has unique preferences in sh and eating styles. Few other places provide an opportunity to observe interactions between animals and keepers, who demonstrate exquisite teamwork in managing these animals’ health.After its rst large-scale renovation project since opening, the popular Tokyo attraction Sumida Aquarium is back with two new areas.水母區比原先擴大了約2倍,直徑達7公尺的日本最大級別的培養皿型水槽──「Big Schale」登場!Big Schale的新概念是「沒有壓克力板阻隔,由上往下俯瞰」,內有約500隻海月水母漂浮,在藍、綠、紅的光芒映照下,交織成如夢似幻的景觀。而3座水槽串聯的「滾筒式水槽」中,觀察3種水母在顏色、模樣,以及漂浮方式上的差異,也是水母區的一大新看點!Aqua Base是由準備飼料的「廚房」,以及公開水母飼養與繁殖過程的「實驗室」所組成。在這座可近距離觀察飼養過程的空間裡,你一定會對水中生物產生更大的興趣!在墨田水族館的企鵝池,可1天3次近距離觀察48隻企鵝的「用餐時間」。每隻企鵝喜歡吃的魚和進食方式都各不相同,還可以觀察負責管理企鵝健康的飼養員團隊之間的互動,這都是難得一見的喔! 0 min from TOKYO SKYTREE Sta. (Tobu SKYTREE Line) 5 min walk from Oshiage <skytree> Sta. (Subway, Keisei)東京晴空塔站(東武晴空塔線)出站即達押上〈東京晴空塔前〉站(地下鐵、京成)步行5分鐘TOKYO SKYTREE℠SUMIDA RIVER WALKFrom Asakusa Culture Tourist Information CenterFrom Koume Jido YuenFrom Kameido Tenjinja ShrineTOKYO mizumachi❶❷❸❹Sumida ParkKaminari-monGateSENSO-JITempleSUMIDA AREA MAPViews of TOKYO SKYTREE℠Asakusa Sta.Asakusa Sta.Honjo-Azumabashi Sta.TOKYO SKYTREE Sta.Stepping into this recently renovated park, you’ll be greeted with neat and beautiful lawns and a magnicent close-up view of TOKYO SKYTREE℠. is urban oasis is a perfect place to loosen up and spend a relaxing time.整修過後的隅田公園草坪優美整齊,可在這裡邊眺望壯觀的東京晴空塔®,邊度過悠閒的時光。隅田公園Sumida Park「墨田水族館」大幅翻修後重新開張!Sumida Aquarium is back after large-scale renovations!東京的人氣景點「墨田水族館」,在經過開業以來首次的大幅翻修後,新增2大區域!New!New!©すみだ水族館©すみだ水族館©すみだ水族館©すみだ水族館©すみだ水族館©すみだ水族館❶❷❹From Fukujinbashi❸Please see here for more information!網站有更多資訊喔!웹사이트에서 확인해주세요!English中文繁體中文简体한국어日本語 JAPAN 17 </skytree>

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