
向大家介紹日本全國各地的上相甜點,款款都有超凡的影響力,讓人忍不住想大快朵頤,並且好好炫耀一番!近年來,在飲酒後享用的「結尾聖代」風靡日本全國。在點燃這股「結尾聖代」熱潮的酪農王國──北海道的札幌市,最近只在夜晚才開門的聖代專賣店也持續增加。札幌的咖啡酒吧「聖代、咖啡、酒、佐藤」的結尾聖代相當有名,夜晚經常大排長龍。該店嚴選咖啡與美酒,店內絕妙的日式空間更進一步襯托出色彩鮮艷的聖代之美。使用了北海道產牛奶的霜淇淋與雪酪均為手工製作,小麥與紅豆等材料也堅持使用北海道的產品。雞尾酒杯中放入毛豆奶油與南高梅雪酪的「豆與梅、焙茶」,以及其他甜點都是此處絕無僅有的口味,請一定要來品嘗一下。1848年創業的日式點心店。現在最受矚目的日式點心是「羊羹幻想曲Fly Me to The Moon」。「羊羹幻想曲Fly Me to The Moon」是一款令人驚豔的日式點心!每切一刀,露出的圖樣都有所不同。羊羹的圖案為弦月下靜止的飛鳥振翼朝滿月飛去,山岳等景致會逐漸變化,非常優美。以紅豆羊羹為基調的檸檬羊羹,還有置於其上的鬼胡桃和葡萄乾的滋味,與紅茶或葡萄酒都很相配,是混合了日西風格的時尚羊羹點心。 (總店)北海道札幌市中央區南2條西1-6-1 大通站、豐水薄野站(札幌市營地下鐵)步行2分鐘 (總店)福島縣會津若松市川原町2-10 從西若松站(JR)步行10分鐘Savoring a parfait as a refreshment after drinking has become a cultural trend in the past few years across Japan. Originated in Sapporo City, Hokkaido – known as a land of dairy farming – this distinctive dessert culture has become so widespread there has recently been an upward trend in parfait shops that are open only in the nighttime.Very famous for its refreshment parfaits, this café bar in Sapporo sees a long queue in the nighttime. Serving select coee and liquor, this popular night café features an elaborate Japanese interior design which enhances the color-ful parfaits. Made with locally produced milk, the soft serve and sorbet are all handmade. Similarly, this Hokkaido dessert bar commits to using ne locally-sourced ingredients such as wheat and red azuki beans. Try out the café’s distinctive “Beans, Plums and Hojicha Tea,” edamame cream and nanko-ume plum sorbet served in a cocktail glass. 1-6-1 Minami 2-jo (Nijo) Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido 2 min walk from Odori Sta. or Hosui-Susukino Sta. (Subway) (Main branch): 2-10 Kawara-machi, Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima 10 min walk from JR Nishi-Wakamatsu Sta.Founded in 1848, Nagatoya is a traditional Japanese confectionary shop. “Fly Me to e Moon,” which is its latest sweets trend, is a beautiful yokan confectionary line that amazes you with images varying for each cut end! ese image sequences fea-ture a bird ying toward a full moon from a crescent moon against the backdrop of slightly changing mountains and scenery. Featuring lemon yokan (azuki red bean yokan-based) and Manchurian walnut and raisin toppings, this Japanese Western hybrid chic confectionary line pairs perfectly with tea and wine.Get ready to nd some impressive and irresistible desserts available in Japan which are instagrammable ego-boosters!日本全國的甜點推薦!賞心悅目+無比美味!Looks great! Tastes great!Sweetsto Try in Japan聖代、咖啡、酒、佐藤北海道HokkaidoParfait, coffee, sake, Sato長門屋本店Nagatoya (Main branch) 福島Fukushimaatt. JAPAN Winter/2020–2118SWEETS

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