
att. Hot Springs①Surrounded by wilderness of the mountains and the Surikami River, the area also has various types of cycling courses starting from Iizaka Onsen. ②Sabako-yu has been refurbished to the current structure in 1993, which has a remnant of the avor of Japan’s oldest wooden bathhouse. ③From early April to early May, about 300 hana-momo (hana peach trees) are blooming gorgeously to create a beautiful landscape. ④A limited-time farm cafe “Farm Cafe, Mori no Garden” oers these signature parfaits using a whole peach!①群山與摺上川的大自然環繞四周,以飯坂溫泉為據點的自行車路線種類繁多。 ②「鯖湖湯」於1993年改建為現有之姿,保留了日本最古老的木造建築浴場的風情。③從4月初至5月初,約300棵桃花盛綻,華美絢爛的風景開展眼前。 ④果樹園附設的期間限定咖啡館「農家咖啡館 森之庭園」名產──整顆水蜜桃聖代!飯坂溫泉位於福島縣內陸地區的福島市,是奧州(東北的舊稱)三大泉之一。1689年,俳句詩人松尾芭蕉曾途經此地,並將之記載於聞名遐邇的《奧之細道》中,是一座擁有悠久歷史的溫泉地。這裡的溫泉水溫偏高,超過40℃,其特點是泡完後體溫不易下降。泉質偏軟,是無色透明的鹼性單純溫泉,據說對於恢復疲勞、增進健康頗有功效。從小巧的溫泉旅館,到大規模的旅館、飯店等等,此地擁有各式各樣的住宿設施,內有無需住宿也可利用的澡堂。此外,街道上更有多達9處的公共澡堂,只需花費200~300日圓的合理價格,就能入浴。「鯖湖湯」是飯坂溫泉最古老的公共澡堂,相傳松尾芭蕉也曾在此享受溫泉之樂。泉溫偏高,據說很多人剛入湯時忍不住發出「好燙!」的驚呼,不過也常因此為契機和當地的民眾開懷暢談。在此可體驗與當地居民間的交流,享受公共澡堂的特有樂趣。由於此地是歷史悠久的溫泉街,所以周圍也保留了許多歷史性建築和寺廟神社。此外,由於盛行栽培果樹,因此尤其從夏季至秋季,有許多可採摘當季的水蜜桃、梨和葡萄的果樹園。來這裡以溫泉與新鮮的水果滋養身心吧!Access 交通Tokyo Sta. → 100 min by Tohoku Shinkansen → JR Fukushima Sta. → 20 min by Iizaka Line → Fukushima Transportation Iizakaonsen Sta. 東京站→搭乘東北新幹線100 分鐘→ JR福島站→搭乘飯坂電車20分鐘→福島交通 飯坂溫泉站More Info 詳細資訊Iizaka Onsen Tourist Association飯坂溫泉觀光協會TEL: +81-24-542-4241 URL: Editor編者語①②③④Revitalize Yourself with Hot Spring Water and Fruit 以熱騰騰的溫泉和水果補充元氣! Iizaka Onsen  飯坂溫泉TokyoTokyoNagoyaOsakaIizaka Onsen is located in Fukushima City, an inland area of Fukushima Prefecture. Recognized as one of the three best hot springs in Oshu (the Tohoku area’s old name) and described in “Oku no Hosomichi” (e Narrow Road to the Deep North) by the Japanese poet Matsuo Basho, who visited this hot spring in 1689, Iizaka Onsen has a long and signicant history. e temperature of the water is above 40 degrees Celsius, which warms up your body very well so you won’t feel cold after taking a bath. It is a mild, clear and colorless alkaline simple hot spring, which is said to be eective for recovering from exhaustion and promotion of health. ere are various types of accommodation facilities, from small-scale inns to large-scale Japanese-style ryokan and hotels. In addi-tion, there are many bath facilities for drop-in visitors. ere are also nine public bath facilities in the town, which you can enjoy for only 200 to 300 yen.Sabako-yu is the oldest public bath facility in Iizaka Onsen, which is said to be where Matsuo Basho enjoyed the hot spring. As the water is relatively hot, many people have to shout out “hot!” upon touching the water, which often serves as a conversation starter between locals and visitors. You may be able to have a nice conversation with local people in a unique way in a communal bathhouse.As it is a historic onsen town, the area has many historic buildings as well as shrines and temples. is area also has many fruit farms growing various kinds of fruit, especially summer to autumn, including peaches, sand pears, and grapes, which are available at many farms for self-picking. Let’s visit Iizaka Onsen to let your body benet from onsen and fresh fruit!The new specialty of Iizaka Onsen is “Ms. Mahiro Iizaka” from Onsen Musume that girl’s mascot characters in the motif of and represent each onsen in Japan (for regional vitalization). Mahiro is an energetic girl in the motif of Iizaka Onsen. There are various kinds of Mahiro goods only available at hotels and souvenir shops in Iizaka Onsen!飯坂溫泉的新名產是「溫泉女孩──飯坂真尋」。這是以飯坂溫泉為主題設計的活力女孩,在旅館與伴手禮店內,也有各種限定的真尋商品喔!©温泉むすめ/Enbound, Inc.Please see here for more information!網站有更多資訊喔!웹사이트에서 확인해주세요!English中文繁體中文简体한국어日本語att. JAPAN 25HOT SPRINGS

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