
日本的絕美景色度假區日本擁有許多魅力萬千的「度假區」。在大自然的懷抱中讓身心煥然一新,或在海灘與溫泉忘卻日常、悠閒放鬆也不錯。許許多多的感動,正在日本各處等著您去探索。富田農場富良野位於北海道近中央之處。優美的丘陵與田園風景秀麗無比,也是知名的電影與電視劇的外景地。從6月下旬起至8月上旬,薰衣草宛如紫色絨毯一般彩染整片山丘的景緻精彩動人。廣大的園內除了薰衣草外,還可欣賞各式各樣不同種類的花田。包括薰衣草霜淇淋等,餐飲種類豐富充實!以連續劇《從北國來》而廣為人知的劇本家倉本聰所製作的森林中的小村莊。在沿著步道而立的15棟三角屋頂小木屋中,銷售著以自然為主題,洋溢富良野風格的工藝作品。ere are many attractive resort places in Japan. Whether you want to refresh yourself in the great outdoors, or relax on the beach or in an onsen, away from your daily life, a wealth of excitement awaits you in places all over Japan.Located nearly in the center of Hokkaido, Furano is famous as a place where movies and dramas are lmed. e beautiful hills and wonderful rural landscape create a gorgeous view.e view of the hill, entirely covered with pur-ple lavender plants like a carpet from late June to early August, is simply overwhelming. At the expansive farm, visitors can also see many oth-er dierent types of pleasing-to-the-eye owers.A variety of food and drink is available, including laven-der soft-serve ice cream!is small village in the forest was created by So Kuramoto, a famous screenwriter who is best known for the drama “Kita no Kuni Kara.” Along the walking path, there are 15 triangular-roofed log houses, each selling unique nature-themed crafts that feature Furano.Resort PlacesFARM TOMITANingle Terracewith Magnificent Views in JapanFurano(Hokkaido)富良野(北海道)画像提供:ファーム富田HakubaFuranoAtamiNiijimaOkinawaatt. JAPAN Winter/2020–214RESORT PLACES WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEWS IN JAPAN

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