
白馬雖然是遠近馳名的滑雪度假區,不過,在無雪季節裡也能盡享樂趣的嶄新景點正一個接著一個開張。感受高原清爽的涼風,讓身心煥然一新吧!天空絕景露臺可從海拔1,289公尺處遠眺北阿爾卑斯山的絕美景觀。在附設的「THE CITY BAKERY」中,可享受使用當地食材製作的三明治。「山上的海濱度假區」聽起來或許有些不可思議,但吊床與海灘椅並排的放鬆空間,儼然就是一座海濱度假區。從海拔1,400公尺處,可遠眺100公里遠的八岳與淺間山等。大型盪鞦韆「Yoo-Hoo!SWING」可體驗彷彿躍入絕美風景般的感覺還有稀奇的纜車型三溫暖!寬廣的帳篷非常舒適!想不想體驗看看戶外用品業者Snow Peak策畫的豪華露營呢?在一天限定8組的私密空間中,奢華盡享白馬的大自然。Although Hakuba is famous as a ski resort, new places that can be enjoyed in seasons without snow are opening one after another. Feel the comfortable breeze of the highland and refresh yourself.A sky terrace with a gorgeous pan-oramic view of Northern Alps (the Hida Mountains) from an altitude of 1,289 meters. e cafe at the terrace, “THE CITY BAKERY,” oers vari-ous dishes, such as sandwiches with local ingredients.Although a “beach resort on the mountain” may sound strange, the relaxing space with hammocks and beach chairs is basically a beach resort in style. From an altitude of 1,400 meters, you can get a panoramic view of Yatsugatake and Mount Asama, which are as far as 100 km away.Gigantic swing “Yoo-Hoo! SWING” makes you feel like you are about to dive into the gorgeous view.▲ Try a rare gondola-shaped sauna!▲The tent is spacious and comfortable!How about having a glamping experience oered by Snow Peak, an out-door product manufacturer? In a private space, which is limited to eight groups per day, you can fully enjoy the grand nature of Hakuba.HAKUBA MOUNTAIN HARBORHAKUBA MOUNTAIN BEACHSnow Peak FIELD SUITE HAKUBA KITAONE KOGENHakuba(Nagano)白馬(長野)Yoo-Hoo! att. JAPAN 5

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