
從東京竹芝棧橋搭乘高速汽船約需2個半小時。這裡是知名的衝浪島,深得國內外衝浪客的喜愛。在高透明度的海洋潛水,將可邂逅各式各樣的魚兒。過去被稱為蜜月聖地,海洋、溫泉,以及美食深受歡迎的度假區。從東京站搭乘新幹線約50分鐘,可輕鬆前往或許也是此地人氣高漲的理由。is island, beloved by surfers from all over the world, can be reached in about two and a half hours by high-speed jet ferry from Tokyo’s Takeshiba Pier. With its high water visibility, you can also encounter various kinds of sh while major resort area is a popular place to enjoy the ocean, onsen, and local food. Once one of the most popular honeymoon destinations in Japan, its popularity is perhaps in part because of its accessiblility from Tokyo—Atami is only about a 50 minute Shinkansen ride from Tokyo Station.Niijima(Tokyo)新島(東京)Atami(Shizuoka)熱海(靜岡)羽伏浦海岸PICA初島MOA美術館初島新島具有代表性的衝浪景點。被稱為正門的白色建築與藍色海洋的對比,將瞬間提高您的興致!「觀海美術館」可欣賞以日本美術為主的美術品。一搭上入口處的長電扶梯,立刻就會被帶進藝術的世界裡。從熱海港乘船30分鐘可到!在可輕鬆前往的離島,讓度假氣氛繼續高漲吧!五彩繽紛的魚類棲息於溫暖且透明度極高的清澈海洋中,此地也是廣受歡迎的潛水、浮潛景點。在亞熱帶的花草樹木環繞的Villa中,輕輕晃動吊床,立刻就能感受到有別於日常的異國風情。冷暖氣設備完善,無論何種季節都能舒適旅居此地,也可享受盡情舒展身體的活動,以及汲取海水、充滿礦物質的溫泉浴場設施。One of Niijima’s famous surfing spots. The beautiful contrast between the white building that is referred to as the “Main Gate” and the blue ocean brings additional excitement to your extraordinary experience on this is an art museum with an ocean view, where you can enjoy various art works, including Japanese art. After taking a lengthy escalator from the entrance, you can immediately dive into the world of art.Just 30 minutes by ship from Atami Port, this casually-accessible isolated island will add more excitement to your resort experience. e warm, clear ocean has colorful sh and is also popular as a diving and snorkeling destination.Relax in a hammock surrounded by sub-tropical trees and flowers, and you can quickly feel an extraordi-nary exotic atmosphere of a tropi-cal place. This resort place is fully equipped with air conditioning, of-fering a comfortable place through-out the year. You can enjoy fun activi-ties, where you can be very active, as well as bathhouses using mineral rich water from the sea.Habushiura CoastMOA Museum of ArtHatsushima IslandPICA Hatsushima推薦以租用自行車在島內往來!▲ It is recommended to rent a bicycle to go around the island!att. JAPAN Winter/2020–216RESORT PLACES WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEWS IN JAPAN

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