
更多魅力More attractive aspects of溫泉OnsenLocal dishes美食行程途中有「雄琴溫泉」、「長濱太閣溫泉」等溫泉地,可住宿溫泉旅館消除疲勞,花上兩至三天的時間環行一圈。說起滋賀縣的代表美食,首推知名和牛──近江牛。若想隨意享用,推薦您品嚐位於彥根的SUN BURGER的近江牛漢堡。此外,老牌麵包店TSURUYA麵包的「沙拉麵包」,則是以可培麵包夾著拌入美乃滋的醃蘿蔔,口味獨特,是深獲自行車騎士們喜愛的補給食品。另備有各式各樣聲援、支援自行車騎士們享受環行琵琶湖路線的服務。路線途中設有幾處關卡,註冊專用網站後環行關卡,將可取得「自行車環行琵琶湖一圈認定證」與貼紙(收費/可寄送海外)。此外,還備有加入自行車路線導覽功能的應用程式「BIWAICHI Cycling Navi」(日文、英文、繁體中文),挑戰此路線時記得活用喔! One of the most famous kinds of food in Shiga Prefecture is Omi Beef, one of the top wagyu brands. If you want to taste it casually, you can try an Omi Beef burger oered at Sun-Burger in Hikone. Another popular food among cyclists is “Saladroll” from Tsuruya, a long-established bakery. is unique bun is stued with strips of takuan, Japanese daikon pickles, mixed with special mayonnaise.Along the cycling course, there are some onsen places, in-cluding Ogoto Onsen and Nagahama Taiko Onsen. So, you can take a few days to go around the lake by staying over-night at one of the onsen hotels to heal your fatigue.ere are various services to back up and support cyclists enjoying the tour around the lake. After registering at a special website, you can visit the checkpoints along the course to get a “Cycling Around Lake Biwa Certicate” and a sticker (fee applied, overseas delivery available).ere is also an app, called “BIWAICHI Cycling Navi,” with convenient func-tions, such as cycling route navigation (available in Japanese, English, and traditional Chinese). Don’t forget to use these useful services when you try this cycling 替「BIWAICHI」的挑戰者們加油!BIWAICHISupport “Biwaichi” challenrs!Please see here for more information!網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로!English中文繁體中文简体한국어日本語 JAPAN Spring/202112

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