e well-known manga and anime Astro Boy was created by the world-famous manga artist Osamu Tezuka. In Takarazuka City, in the southeast of Hyogo Prefecture, there is an Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum where you can feel the world of Tezuka. Actually, Tezuka spent his youth at Takarazuka!At the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum, opened in 1994, various items related to the artist as well as some of his production materials are exhibited, and visitors can even ex-perience making their own anime work. In addition, an original movie is screened here which can be seen nowhere else. e library oers the complete works of this creator, around 2,000 volumes available for your reading pleasure available in English, Chinese, Korean and other foreign languages.In front of the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum stands a bronze statue of one of his character creations, the Phoenix. e vividly colored creature seems to ap its wings, full of life.Signs depicting some of Osamu Tezuka’s characters are embedded on the road surface of Hana no Michi path, which is near the museum. Don’t miss them!On the ground in front of the museum are inlaid the handprints and footprints of Tezuka’s characters.*Due to measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, some entrance restrictions and partial exhibition restrictions may occur. Please conrm before visiting.1994年開館的手塚治蟲紀念館裡,展示著與手塚治蟲相關的物品和作品資料,在這裡還能體驗動畫製作。另外,還能觀看只有在這裡才能看到的原創影片。圖書館裡匯聚了幾乎所有手塚治蟲的作品,共有約2,000本書籍可以閱覽,也有英文、中文、韓文等外文書籍。手塚治蟲紀念館前,矗立著一座手塚治蟲作品中的角色「火鳥」的銅像。顏色鮮艷的火鳥展開雙翅,栩栩如生。位於手塚治蟲紀念館附近的「花之道」,人行道地上埋有手塚治蟲漫畫角色的刻印圖案,不要錯過喔!紀念館前的地上,刻印著許多手塚治蟲作品中角色的手印和腳印。※為防止新冠病毒傳播,可能會限制入場人數和部分作品的展示,請事先確認。著名漫畫、動畫《原子小金剛》的創作者是世界著名的漫畫家手塚治蟲。在兵庫縣東南部的寶塚市內,有一座「手塚治蟲紀念館」,在這裡可以探究手塚治蟲的世界觀。其實手塚治蟲的年少時代是在寶塚度過的喔!TokyoKyotoOsakaHyogoTakarazuka,Hyogo兵庫縣寶塚市Permanent exhibition常設展覽Anime creation workshop可以體驗動畫製作的動畫工房Phoenix《火鳥》Princess Knight《緞帶騎士》The Jungle Emperor《森林大帝》EnglishEnglish中文Scan the QR codes, or search “Visit Hanshin.”掃QR碼,或搜尋「Visit Hanshin」@visithanshin_en@visithanshin.en@visithanshin_tc“Visit Hanshin” on social media for the latest information on the Hanshin area, Hyogo.追蹤Visit Hanshin的社群媒體,獲取兵庫縣阪神地區的最新資訊!手塚治蟲的世界!讓我們進入《原子小金剛》之父Please see here for more information!網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로!English中文繁體中文简体한국어日本語att-japan.net/att. JAPAN Spring/202124HANSHIN
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