
Ouchi-juku used to prosper as a post station along Aizu Nishi Kaido road, which was a main pre-modern highway in the Edo period (1603–1868). With thatched houses built up to several hundred years ago on both sides of the street, the old atmosphere is well preserved. In 1981, Ouchi-juku was selected as one of the Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings. e nearest station, Yunokamionsen Station, has a rare station building with a thatched town has a lot of spots to see, such as Aizu Wakamatsu Castle, more common-ly called Tsuruga Castle by local people, Iimori Hill, and Sazae-do. is area also has lots of heartbreaking stories related to the war that took place in the town dur-ing the chaotic days of the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. Built in 1796, Sazae-do is a three-storied, hexagonal pagoda, with a height of 16.5 meters. Its architectural style is very unique and rare worldwide, in which the ascending passage and the de-scending passage never cross each other. It is designated as a nationally important cultural property.Fukushima Prefecture is extending its great record of the “highest number of gold awards received in Japan for seven consecutive years” at the Annual Japan Sake Awards, which has been held since the Meiji period (1868–1912). ere are many new kinds of delicious sake made by Aizu’s sake breweries, including Hiroki, Sharaku, Yuri, Tenmei, and Aizumusume. For details, please check our web article.以「鶴城」之稱為人熟知的會津若松城、飯盛山,以及國家重要文化財榮螺堂等精彩景點多不勝數。在幕府末年動盪不安的時期,亦曾經歷城下戰,並留下許多悲傷的故事。榮螺堂修建於1796年,是一座高16.5公尺、六角三層的會堂,上行和下行的通路不同,途中不會交錯,是舉世罕見的建築形式,1996年被指定為國家重要文化財。在從明治時代延續至今的全國新酒鑑評會上,福島縣創下了「連續7年金獎得獎數日本第一」的驚人紀錄。飛露喜、寫樂、YURI、天明、會津娘等,會津酒窖中新進且滋味絕佳的日本酒為數眾多。詳情請見網站文章。大內宿因過去作為幹道「會津西街道」的宿場町而繁榮一時。擁有數百年歷史的茅草屋沿街道林立,充分保留了江戶時代的氣氛,1981年被列為國家重要傳統建築物群保存地區。最靠近大內宿的湯野上溫泉站,是在日本國內亦十分罕見的茅草屋頂車站。Ouchi-juku大內宿Aizuwakamatsu會津若松Sake日本酒Aizu Wakamatsu CastleSazae-do會津若松城榮螺堂Aizu Railway4A railway connecting Nishi-Wakamatsu Station in Fukushima Prefecture and Aizu Kogen Ozeguchi Station. “Oza-Toro-Tembo” train is a hybrid train, with which you can enjoy three types of trains in one, including “Ozashiki” tatami-mat seats, “Torokko” car, and “Tembo” observation seats. The grand view from the train window is breathtaking. (The train is mainly in operation on Saturdays and Sundays from April to November.)聯結福島縣的西若松站與會津高原尾瀨口站的鐵路。搭乘「Ozatoro 展望列車」,即可一次享受榻榻米席、小火車席,以及觀景席的三重樂趣,從車窗望出的景色相當宏偉,美得令人屏息(主要於4月~11月的週六、週日行駛)。會津鐵路Please see here for more information!網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로!English中文繁體中文简体한국어日本語 JAPAN 7

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