465在吉佐美大濱盡情感受度假氣氛!泡個足湯消除一天的疲勞吧!培里之路和了仙寺!10Visit our website!att-japan.net/Please see here for more information!This beach is popular among families, couples, and overseas tour-ists. There are hotels offering rooms with panoramic views as well as stylish cafés, making for a relaxing atmosphere. 深受闔家出遊的旅客、情侶,以及外籍遊客喜愛的海灘。周邊也有可從客房欣賞海景、景色絕美的旅館,以及時尚的咖啡廳,在此可感受悠閒自在的度假區氣氛。After a day full of fun, enjoy a soothing footbath. The “Kaiyu no Ashiyu” foot-bath at Madogahama Kaiyu Park, overlooking Shimoda Bay, is available for free 24 hours a day. Relaxing in the footbath with the pleasant sea breeze is a luxury not to missed.痛快地遊玩後,就到足湯度過療癒的時光吧。「海遊足湯」位在能眺望下田灣的「MADOGAHAMA海遊公園」內,24小時免費開放使用。一邊吹著舒爽的海風,想必會是段奢侈的悠閒時光♪Perry Road is the street that Commodore Perry walked along on his visit to Shimoda. The row of willow trees is in perfect harmony with the nostalgic old-time buildings. After a stroll down the stone-paved street, have yourself a light meal at one of the chic cafés. Ryosenji Temple is where Perry and the Tokugawa Shogunate administration held ne-gotiations at the end of the Tokugawa era. From mid- to end-May, the temple is filled with the refreshing aroma of 1,000 yesterday-today-and-tomorrow flowers in full bloom.據說航行至下田的培里曾實際走過培里之路,此地的柳樹林道與散發復古風情的建築融為一體,打造出懷舊風情。在石板小路上悠閒地散步,如果肚子餓了,順道造訪時尚咖啡廳也不錯喔♪了仙寺是幕末時培里與德川幕府協商的地點,富有特殊的歷史意義。從5月中旬起至下旬,寺廟內多達1,000多株的鴛鴦茉莉盛開競豔,清香四溢。English中文繁體網站有更多資訊喔!WEBでも情報発信中!日本語Enjoy the resort atmosphere at Kisami Ohama Beach! Soak away the day’s fatigue in a footbath!Stroll around quaint Perry Road and Ryosenji Temple!悠閒漫步別具風情的
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