
More facilities now offer the authentic natural sauna styles of Finland and Russia. There are also some unique saunas offering additional services.活用豐富的自然環境,加入三溫暖發源地芬蘭與俄羅斯風格的設施正不斷增加。此外,還有提供三溫暖附加服務之處等,特色鮮明的三溫暖亦陸續登場。Saitama PrefectureKanagawa PrefectureNara Prefecture about 40 minutes by bus from Hanno Station (Seibu) 5-minute walk from Yokohama Station (JR, Subway, Tokyu, Keikyu, Sotetsu) 45 minutes by car from Nara Station (JR, Kintetsu), or 15 minutes by car from Nabari Station (Kintetsu)Visit our website! see here for more information!Recommended saunasall over Japan that will inspire youto take an extra trip to visit走遠一點,造訪日本全國的推薦三溫暖“Nolla naguri” is a facility where you can enjoy Nordic culture through glamping, BBQ, and sauna in nature. Among other features, the best part of this facility is that you can reserve a Finnish-style tent sauna! (one tent for 2 to 4 people). You can enjoy the sauna in your own way, such as sweating with self-loyly, taking an outside air bath, and getting Nordic dishes and drinks at a stand for a break.「Nolla名栗」是可在大自然中,透過豪華露營、BBQ、三溫暖來體驗北歐文化的設施。其中,可包租芬蘭式帳篷三溫暖這點最具魅力(一頂帳篷可供2~4人使用)!可以自助芬蘭浴的方式揮汗,享受外氣浴,或於補給站購買北歐料理與飲料稍作休憩,隨心所欲地享受三溫暖。This facility in a renovated century-old folk house creates a quiet space by allowing only three groups per day to stay. Enjoy the Finnish sauna surrounded by nature in Yamazoe Village in the mountains of Nara Prefecture. The com-bination of the sauna with crackling wood fire, the cold water bath, whose temperature fluc-tuates with the weather, and the wood deck, where you can get some air amid the moun-tain vistas, allows you to experience wholeness with nature.利用修建超過100年的古民宅翻新而成的設施,空間靜謐,每天僅限定3組住宿。可在位於奈良縣山間的山添村,於大自然中享受芬蘭式的三溫暖。備有焚燒柴火的三溫暖、水溫因當日天候而異的冷水浴,以及可一邊欣賞里山風景,一邊享受外氣浴的木質露臺,將可以全身體驗與大自然融為一體的感受。Directly connected to Yokohama Station, this spa facility features a gorgeous view only available from a high-rise building. Reopening in 2021 after a ma-jor renovation, it now has a “Sauna Theater,” which is one of the largest spas in Japan. It is a unisex sau-na facility, which offers unique sauna experiences, such as an “Aufguss Show” using screen images.直通橫濱站,可欣賞高層大樓特有的絕美景色,魅力獨具的SPA設施。2021年翻新開幕,遼闊空間冠居日本最高等級的三溫暖設施「三溫暖劇場」於此誕生。提供此地獨一無二的三溫暖體驗,例如:在男女共用的三溫暖室內,體驗配合影像演出的「灑水搧風秀」等。神奈川縣English奈良縣Nolla naguri Sky SpaYOKOHAMA網站有更多資訊喔!WEBでも情報発信中!ume,yamazoe 奈良站(JR、近鐵)乘車45分鐘,或從名張站(近鐵)乘車15分鐘日本語中文繁體 飯能站(西武)搭乘巴士約40分鐘 橫濱站(JR、地鐵、東急、京急、  相鐵)步行5分鐘Nolla名栗埼玉縣

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