
239──龍宮窟!先嘗嘗海鮮補充營養! “Kinme-tei” in the fish marketAfter your satiating meal, pedal your way southwards! Ryugukutsu (Ryugu Sea Cave), one of the most popular sites in Shimoda, is located around 30 minutes from downtown Shimoda by bike. Ryugukutsu, a miracle of na-ture, is a sea cave with a portion of its sea cliff collapsed due to erosion. Looking down at the cave from the boardwalk, you will see a heart-shaped formation! This popular place is believed to be a spiritual “power spot” for those looking for luck in love. Looking up from the beach, you will see the sky through a unique 50-meter opening. Catch the dreamy rays of light coming through on sunny days. 填飽肚子後,繼續踩著踏板往南行!從下田的市區騎乘自行車約30分鐘,可抵達下田具有代表性的人氣景點──龍宮窟。龍宮窟是因波浪侵蝕削去了海岸的斷崖,由大自然的奇蹟所創造的海蝕洞。從上方的遊步道俯瞰洞窟,內部的地形看起來就像愛心型!是大受歡迎的戀愛能量景點。此外,若從下方的海灘抬頭仰望,則有直徑約50公尺的天窗浮現眼前,開展出奇幻的空間。天氣晴朗時,夢幻的光芒還會透過天窗灑落而下。 1-1Sotogaoka, Shimoda City, Shizuoka 7:00–9:30, 11:00–15:00 Tuesdays (closed Monday or Wednesday once a month, depending on month)Enjoy famous delicacies in Shimoda to fuel your body for biking.Five minutes by bike from Izukyu Shimoda Station, you can find “Kinme-tei” restaurant in the Shimoda Fish Market. They offer fresh fish dishes such as seafood bowls and the simmered alfon-sino combo. Try these scrumptious dishes with the locals in the lively atmosphere of the fish market: a classic Shimoda experience.在開始一天的自行車之旅前,先以下田知名的美食好好補充體力!從伊豆急下田站騎乘自行車約5分鐘,前往位於下田魚市場的食堂「金目亭」!這裡可以品嘗到海鮮丼飯、金目煮全魚定食等新鮮的魚料理。在洋溢著魚市場特有活力的熱鬧店內,和當地民眾一起大啖絕品美食吧! 市場的食堂「金目亭」 靜岡縣下田市外之岡1-1 7:00~9:30、11:00~15:00 週二(每月有一次不定期連休)Treat yourself to Shimoda’s seafood!Delve into the mysterious “Ryugu Sea Cave”!出發前往神秘的洞窟

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