
FukuyamaKasaoka Port←HiroshimaSotouraShiraishijimakitagishimaObishimaIbukijimaShin-KurashikiFushigoe PortMiyanoura PortHitsuishijimaIwakurojimaYoshimaTakashimaTeshimaOteshima HonjimaKobishimaHiroshimaManabeshimaUshijimaSanagishimaTakamijimaMarugame PortMushimaAwashimaShishijimaTadotsu PortSuda PortTakuma PortKan-onji PortHinase PortKoujimaShin-okayama PortHoden PortInujimaObe PortUno PortKarato PortShodoshimaTonosho PortHonmura PortIeura PortDofuchi StraitIkeda PortTonoshoHigashiPortNaoshimaTeshimaOgijimaMegijimaOshimaTakamatsu PortTakamatsu Higashi PortOsaka→To HimejiKakuijimakashirajimaOtabujimaFukuda PortKusakabe PortSakate PortTo KobeSakaideTadotsuOkayamaTakamatsuIt takes only a few hours to get to Takamatsu in Shikoku from Osaka and Hiroshima!Most JR rail passes gives you a good deal on travelling. There are various kinds of rail pass you can use!前往四國、高松,從大阪、廣島出發僅數小時!可以使用多種日本鐵路的優惠通票前來。시코쿠·다카마쓰까지는 오사카나 히로시마에서 단 몇 시간!JR 레일패스로 저렴하게 갈 수 있으며, 다양한 레일패스가 마련되어 있습니다!Japan Rail Pass, Sanyo-San’in Area Pass, Kansai WIDE Area Pass, Kansai-Hiroshima Area Pass, Setouchi Area Pass, Okayama-Hiroshima-Yamaguchi Area Pass, Sanyo-San’in Northern Kyusyu Pass, ALL SHIKOKU Rail PassSpring Encounters: Apr 14 - May 18 Summer Gatherings: Aug 5 - Sep 4 Fall Expansions: Sep 29 - Nov 6Since ancient times, the Seto Inland Sea has been bringing great blessings to the islands of Japan. In order to bring back the vitality that the islands of Setouchi used to have based on the interaction and harmony between beautiful nature and people, the Setouchi Triennale was begun so as to ultimately make the Setouchi area a “Sea of Hope” for all areas of the earth. The Autumn Exhibition season exhibits artworks in harmony with this especially beauti-ful season in Japan (you can still see some artworks in permanent installation outside the exhibition periods).2豐饒的瀨戶內海,自古以來即滋潤著日本列島。瀨戶內國際藝術祭為這個優美自然與人類交錯、交響至今的瀨戶內群島重拾活力,並以成為地球上所有地區的「希望之海」為目標,每3年舉辦一次。秋季會期將可欣賞到,與日本四季中甚為秀麗的自然之美調和的作品(也設有非會期亦可欣賞的常設作品)。예로부터 일본 열도를 풍요롭게 해온 세토나이카이. 아름다운 자연과 인간이 어우러진 세토우치 섬들에 활력을 불어넣고, 전 지구의 “희망의 바다”가 되는 것을 목표로 3년에 한 번 개최되고 있는 세토우치국제예술제. 가을 축제 기간에는 일본의 사계절 중에서도 가장 아름다운 자연미와 어울리는 작품을 볼 수 있다. (축제 기간 외에도 감상할 수 있는 상설 작품도 있다.)Modern Art Festival Highlighting the Accord of Humans and Nature on the Islands of Setouchi開展於瀨戶內群島,人與自然調和的現代藝術祭典세토우치의 섬들에서 펼쳐지는 사람과 자연이 조화를 이루는 현대 아트 축제SETOUCHI TRIENNALE 2022

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