IshikawaPrefectureIn the Edo period (1603–1868), Kanazawa, known as “Little Kyoto,” flourished as a castle town of the Kaga domain. Even today, the city continues to exude the charm of its illustrious ancient past.金澤在江戶時代(1603–1868)曾以加賀藩的城下町之姿興起,並有「小京都」的美稱,至今仍留存著古老歷史的蹤跡。On January 1, 2024, an earthquake struck Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture. For business conditions of each facility, please see their website.2024年1月1日於石川縣能登半島發生地震。各設施的營業狀況請至網站上確認。 JR Kanazawa Sta. → 12 min by bus → Kenrokuen-shita / Kanazawa Castle stop → 5 min walk JR金澤站→公車12分鐘→兼六園下、金澤城下車→步行5分鐘 全年無休 成人320日圓、兒童100日圓 Please refer to the official website Exhibition area: 10:00–18:00 (Fri, Sat open until 20:00) falls on a national holiday), New Year holidays Open 365 days Exhibition area: Mondays (or the following weekday when it Varies depending on the exhibition Adult 320 yen, Child 100 yen Kanazawa/ KomatsuHOKURIKU | FUKUI, ISHIKAWA, TOYAMAKenrokuenKenrokuen, one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, has been designat-ed by the nation as a Special Scenic Site. Ponds and teahouses are scattered throughout the vast garden that features a variety of landscapes to enjoy on a stroll. With plum and cherry blossoms in spring, irises in summer, autumn colors in autumn, and “yukitsuri” (a technique for preserving trees from heavy snow) in winter, the famous garden offers great beauty every season.Leandro ERLICH, “The Swimming Pool”, 2004Collection: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, KanazawaPhoto: WATANABE OsamuCourtesy: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, KanazawaHigashi Chaya DistrictThe area has thrived as an entertainment district since the Edo period. The tradi-tional townscape of lattice-fronted row houses has been desig-nated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Folk hous-es now renovated into cafes and shops selling Kanazawa’s traditional crafts like gold leaf art and Kutani ware abound for a delightful shopping experience.One more! A shrine fit for a photoIshiura Shrine, the oldest shrine in Kanazawa, is lo-cated near Kenrokuen, the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, and Kanazawa Castle Park. With 101 to-rii gates, colorful amulets and more, this renowned “power spot” for romance is a hit with young visitors.Photo: WATANABE OsamuCourtesy: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa 展覽區域:10:00~18:00(週五、週六至20:00) 因展覽而異 請參閱官網 Century Museum of Contemporary Art, KanazawaThis contemporary art museum is renowned for its open design with extensive use of glass. Particularly popular is the artwork called “The Swimming Pool,” which creates the illusion of people walking at the bottom of a pool filled with water. Beyond visuals, the museum also offers a wealth of interactive exhibits for a rich experience both adults and children can enjoy.*Part of Public Zone has resumed operation, while the opening of Exhibition Zone is yet to determined (as of the end of January).金澤21世紀美術館現代藝術美術館,大量使用玻璃建造,並保留開闊感的建築是其特色。作品《The Swimming Pool》尤其受歡迎,人看起來宛如漫步於裝滿水的泳池底部。除了用雙眼觀賞之外,也有許多可觸碰、感受的作品,老少咸宜。※部分交流區已重新開放,但展覽區目前尚未確定何時再開(1月底時的資訊)。 JR Kanazawa Sta. → 10 min by bus → Hirosaka / 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art stop → short walk JR金澤站→公車約10分鐘→廣坂、21世紀美術館 下車即抵 展覽區域:週一(逢假日則為下一個平日)、年底年初 石川縣金澤、小松兼六園日本三大名園之一,為日本的國家特別名勝。在遼闊的園內分布著池塘與御亭等,可一邊漫步其間一邊欣賞各式各樣的景觀。春季有梅花、櫻花,夏季有燕子花,秋季有紅葉,冬季則有雪吊(保護樹枝免受霜雪壓垮的技術)等,是個可感受四季更迭美景的名園。東茶屋街此區在江戶時代因身為花街而興起,格子門戶的民宅連綿而立的傳統街景,獲選為國家重要傳統建造物群保存地區。由古民宅改建的咖啡廳、販售金澤傳統工藝金箔工藝、九谷燒等的店家散居其間,亦可享受購物樂趣。10加碼推薦!美照神社「石浦神社」是金澤最古老的神社,與兼六園、金澤21世紀美術館,以及金澤城公園距離十分近。這裡也是知名的戀愛能量景點,101座鳥居和色彩繽紛的御守等也很受年輕人歡迎。
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