From cast metalwork to sculpture, experience a range of traditional crafts, and explore a village desig-nated as a World Heritage site, im-mersed in a way of life from long ago in harmony with nature.包含鑄造品、雕刻等傳統工藝以及世界遺產的村落等,可接觸與大自然共存的傳統生活方式。 Gokayama/Shirakawa-go free ticket 3,500 yen NantoToyamaPrefectureKanayamachiTakaoka City in Toyama Prefecture is a place steeped in history, revered for over four centuries as a major producer of copperware and cast met-alwork. Kanayamachi is the birthplace of Takaoka metal casting and the old town atmosphere of this historic district still remains, designated as an “Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings.” Try making your own accessories out of tin, or take a seat at one of the traditional Japanese restaurants or cafes.Shogawa pleasure boatAdmire the beauty of the valley from a cruise ship floating on the reservoir of Shogawa Gorge. The snowy winter landscape unfurls be-fore your eyes like a sumie ink painting. There are two routes available, including the unique experience of visiting the remote “Omaki Onsen Kanko Ryokan,” ac-cessible only by this boat.Sightseeing train:Belles montagnes et mer Starting from Takaoka, this tourist train runs with the Johana Line towards the mountains and the Himi Line stretching out to the Japan Sea. Inami wood carvings and other tra-ditional crafts along the route are exhibited in the carriage. The sushi chefs onboard make it possible to enjoy fresh-ly made morsels featuring delicious seafood from Toyama Bay. (Advance purchase required through “VISIT Toyama Prefecture” Heritage BusA bus connecting JR Takaoka Station/JR Shin-Takaoka Station and the Gokayama area, and also running be-tween Gokayama and Shirakawa-go. No reservations are required so hop on one of the daily round-trip rides. For those planning a trip to both Gokayama and Shirakawa-go, a two-day pass is a great deal.Gokayama Gassho-zukuri VillageIn the mountainous Gokayama re-gion, traditional gassho-zukuri steep thatched roof houses remain in the two villages of Ainokura and Suganuma. Their registration as World Heritage sites along with Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture recognizes their historical significance to the life and culture of ©(公社)とやま観光推進機構this “snow country.”*Some facilities are affected by the Noto Earthquake. For the latest information, please see the official website.五箇山合掌村五箇山是四周環山的地區,其中的相倉、菅沼兩座村落,仍保留了傳統的合掌屋宅。現在以傳承雪國生活文化的史料之姿,與岐阜縣的白川鄉一同獲列為世界文化遺產。※部分設施有受到能登半島地震的影響。最新狀況請至網站上確認。富山縣高岡、南礪世界遺產巴士連結JR高岡站、JR新高岡站與五箇山地區,以及五箇山與白川鄉的巴士。每日來回行駛,不需預約即可搭乘,非常方便。五箇山與白川鄉兩處都想前往的話,可購買2天內有效的超值自由券。 五箇山與白川鄉自由券3,500日圓金屋町富山縣高岡市是銅器等鑄造品的一大產地,擁有超過400年的歷史。在高岡鑄造物的發源地──金屋町,現在仍保留了古老的街道,並獲選定為「重要傳統建造物群保存地區」。可製作錫製首飾的店、和食店,以及咖啡廳等林立於此。庄川遊覽船可從浮游於水壩湖庄川峽上的遊覽船欣賞溪谷的美景,特別是冬季的雪景,宛如沉浸於水墨畫的世界一般。備有2種路線,亦可前往只有此船才能抵達的秘境獨立旅館「大牧溫泉觀光旅館」。觀光列車「Belles montagnes et mer」行駛於以高岡為起點,延伸至靠山側的城端線,以及延伸至日本海側的冰見線之觀光列車。車內展示著井波雕刻等沿線的傳統工藝品。車內有壽司職人坐鎮,可品嘗使用富山灣新鮮海產現捏的壽司也是一大魅力。(需於「VISIT富山縣」事先購票:
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