2 min walk 1 min walk 5 min walk / Inokashira-koen Sta. (Keio) 5–10 min by gondola / 11 min by busSakura season is here! Peak bloom in Tokyo this year is predicted to be from late March to early April. In addition to cherry blossom viewing, we’ll introduce other ways to appreciate the Tokyo sakura.Yomiuri-Land-mae Sta. (Odakyu) Asakusa Sta. (Subway, Tobu) https://www.suijobus.co.jp/en/ Kichijoji Sta. (JR, Keio) https://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/jimusho/seibuk/inokashira/en_index.html Keio-yomiuri-land Sta. (Keio) https://www.yomiuriland.com/en/ Shibuya Sta. (JR) New Ticket Gate https://www.shibuya-sakura-stage.com/en/ 1 min walkCruise along the Sumida River among cher-ry blossoms! After departing from Asakusa, the boat will offer views of the TOKYO SKYTREE and the stunning rows of sakura trees that flank the Sumida River.*Reservations required (Online reservations ac-cepted up to 5 minutes before departure)This popular amusement park is easily accessible from the city center. Get a unique sakura-viewing experience from the roller coaster zooming through the blossoms at top speed, the Ferris wheel show-casing the trees from a breathtaking height, and even nighttime cherry blossom illuminations. Not only is this park a symbol of Kichijoji, but it is one of Tokyo’s best sakura spots. You can bask under the cherry blossoms while floating on a boat through the large pond. If you want to spend an afternoon enjoying hanami (cher-ry blossom viewing), you can also get takeout from the park’s cafe.Please see here for more information!Sakura & Cruise! Sakura & Cruise! Hanami Cruise櫻花×遊覽船!賞花船Sakura & Amusement Park! Yomiuri Land櫻花×遊樂園!讀賣樂園Sakura & Boat!Inokashira Park櫻花×小船!井之頭恩賜公園Sakura & New Hot Spot!ShibuyaSakuraStage櫻花×新話題!ShibuyaSakura Stage16att-japan.net/한국어日本語LATEST TOKYO’S BEST SAKURA SPOTS 2024简体中文吉祥寺的象徵,同時也是東京首屈一指的櫻花名勝。可在廣闊的池塘一邊划著小船,一邊欣賞四周的櫻花美景。也可於園內的咖啡廳外帶美食,體驗賞花的樂趣。提供:東急不動産This commercial complex is the newest land-mark in Shibuya. Completed on November 30, 2023, most of its stores, hotel, and offices are scheduled to open by July 26, 2024. This establishment boasts rows of sakura trees, a large and symbolic yamazakura tree, pink il-luminations, and an exterior adorned with various cherry blossom-inspired designs. 澀谷最新的地標,2023年11月30日竣工,今年7月26日將會有商業設施、飯店、辦公大樓等多數店家開幕的綜合設施。設施內有櫻花林道、象徵之樹日本山櫻、粉紅彩燈,還有外觀也有許多以櫻花為形象的設計。 吉祥寺站(JR、京王)步行5分鐘、井之頭公園站(京王)步行1分鐘 https://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/jimusho/seibuk/inokashira/ch2_index.html網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로!一邊仰望櫻花,一邊搭船遊隅田川!從淺草出發,周遊東京晴空塔®、隅田川沿岸的櫻花林道。※提前預約制(可網路預約至出航5分鐘前) 淺草站(地鐵、東武)步行2分鐘從東京都心前往,交通相當便利的熱門遊樂園。這裡有許多遊樂園特有的賞櫻方式,像是在櫻花間疾駛而過的雲霄飛車、俯瞰櫻花的摩天輪,以及夜櫻燈飾秀等等。 京王讀賣樂園站(京王)搭乘纜車5〜10分鐘、或從讀賣樂園前站(小田急)搭公車11分鐘 https://www.yomiuriland.com/tw/ 澀谷站(JR)新檢票口步行1分鐘櫻花季來囉!今年東京的花期預計落在3月下旬~4月上旬之間,除了用雙眼欣賞之外,這次要向大家介紹東京各種體驗櫻花之美的方式!English繁體中文Latest Tokyo’sBest Sakura Spots最新!2024東京推薦賞櫻景點
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